This is my first message in this forum.
I have to print the results of several sections, for example, the articles in the "fes_articles" table and the comments in the "fes_comments" table. At the beginning they ask me first on the left to take out the last article with their image and comments and I do it this way:
file- > controllers / managerBlog.php
class BlogControllers{
static public function ctrMostrarArticulosBlog(){
$tabla1 = "fes_articles";
$tabla2 = "fes_files";
$tabla3 = "fes_comments";
$idCategoria = 44;
$idArticulo = 452; /*Prueba con artículo con dos comentarios*/
$idArticulo = 668;/*ÚLTIMO ARTÍCULO ACTUAL EN LA BASE DE DATOS, 0 comentarios*/
$respuesta = BlogModels::mdlMostrarArticulosBlog($tabla1, $tabla2, $tabla3, $idCategoria, $idArticulo);
return $respuesta;
file - > models / gestorBlog.php
require_once "conexion.php";
class BlogModels{
static public function mdlMostrarArticulosBlog($tabla1, $tabla2, $tabla3, $idCategoria, $idArticulo){
$stmt = Conexion::conectar()->prepare("SELECT $, $tabla1.pages, $tabla1.categories, $tabla1.title, $tabla1.content, $tabla1.tags, $, $tabla2.ext, $tabla2.descriere, $tabla2.idx
FROM $tabla1
INNER JOIN $tabla2 ON $ = $tabla2.idx
WHERE $tabla1.categories = :idCategoria
AND $ = :idArticulo
$stmt -> bindParam(":idCategoria", $idCategoria, PDO::PARAM_STR);//Preguntar si se pone INT
$stmt -> bindParam(":idArticulo", $idArticulo, PDO::PARAM_STR);//Preguntar si se pone INT
$stmt -> bindParam(":comentarios", $comentarios, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$stmt -> execute();
return $stmt -> fetch();
$stmt -> close();
$stmt = null;
public function mdlTotalComentariosArticulosBlog($tabla1, $tabla3, $idCategoria,$idArticulo){
$stmt = Conexion::conectar()->prepare("SELECT $, $tabla1.pages, $tabla1.categories, $tabla1.title, $tabla1.content, $tabla1.tags, $, $tabla3.categories, $tabla3.articles, COUNT($tabla3.content) as totalComentarios FROM $tabla1
INNER JOIN $tabla3 ON $ = $tabla3.articles
WHERE $ = :idArticulo
ORDER by $");
$stmt -> bindParam(":idArticulo", $idArticulo, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$stmt -> execute();
return $stmt->fetchAll();
$stmt -> close();
$stmt = null;
and finally in the view file:
file - > views / modules / blog.php
$respuestaArticulos = BlogControllers::ctrMostrarArticulosBlog();
$contenidoArticulos = substr($respuestaArticulos["content"], 0, 185);
echo'<section class="bloque-izq-cat">
<article class="art-cat featured Article">
<a class="thumb-art-cat" href="">
<img src="views/images/'.$respuestaArticulos['name'].'.'.$respuestaArticulos['ext'].'" title="'.$respuestaArticulos['descriere'].' " alt="'.$respuestaArticulos['descriere'].'" />
<span class="fecha-encima-art-cat dateOverlay">02 Jun 2017</span>
<span class="num-encima-art-cat nrOverlay">0</span>
<h2 class="titulo-art-cat"><a href="">'.$respuestaArticulos["title"].'</a></h2>
<p class="text-art-cat"><a href="">'.$contenidoArticulos.'</a></p>';
/* ----- COMENTARIOS -------*/
/*Aquí ver como puedo hacer para no repetir esta parte ya que vuelvo a traer los datos anteriores para consultar los comenatarios*/
$tabla1 = "fes_articles";
$tabla3 = "fes_comments";
$idCategoriaComments = 44;
$idArticuloComments = 452;/*Artículo de prueba con 2 comentarios*/
$idArticulo = 668; /*ÚLTIMO ARTÍCULO ACTUAL EN LA BASE DE DATOS con 0 comentarios*/
$cantidadComentarios = BlogModels::mdlTotalComentariosArticulosBlog($tabla1, $tabla3, $idCategoriaComments, $idArticuloComments);
foreach ($cantidadComentarios as $row => $item) {
$totalComentarios = $item["totalComentarios"];
if($totalComentarios > 1){
echo '<p class="fecha-y-comentario-mini-art-cat">junio 02, 2017 / <a href="">'.$totalComentarios.' comentarios</a></p>
else if($totalComentarios == 1){
echo '<p class="fecha-y-comentario-mini-art-cat">junio 02, 2017 / <a href="">'.$totalComentarios.' comentario</a></p>
else if($totalComentarios == 0){
echo '<p class="fecha-y-comentario-mini-art-cat">junio 02, 2017 / <a href="">0 comentarios</a></p>
/* ----- FIN COMENTARIOS -------*/
So far so good because if I put the test article 452 I get perfectly printed and with the notice of 2 comments and if I put the last or even others I get 0 or the corresponding number.
Now I have to do the same with the rest of the comments to print, for example in the area on the right come 5 articles (from the 2nd most current to the 6th) and do the same to show how many comments each one has. However for more laps that I give I am not able.
For example the file of the following articles I use it like this:
file- > controllers / managerBlog.php
public function ctrMostrarMiniArticulosBlog(){
$tabla1 = "fes_articles";
$tabla2 = "fes_files";
$idCategoria = 44;
$respuesta = BlogModels::mdlMostrarMiniArticulosBlog($tabla1, $tabla2, $idCategoria);
return $respuesta;
file- > models / gestorBlog.php
public function mdlMostrarMiniArticulosBlog($tabla1, $tabla2, $idCategoria){
$stmt = Conexion::conectar()->prepare("SELECT $, $tabla1.pages, $tabla1.categories, $tabla1.title, $tabla1.content, $tabla1.tags, $, $tabla2.ext, $tabla2.descriere, $tabla2.idx
FROM $tabla1
INNER JOIN $tabla2 ON $ = $tabla2.idx
WHERE $tabla1.categories = :idCategoria
ORDER by $ DESC LIMIT 1, 5");
$stmt -> bindParam(":idCategoria", $idCategoria, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$stmt -> execute();
return $stmt->fetchAll();
$stmt -> close();
$stmt = null;
file- > views / modules / blog.php
$respuestaMiniArticulos = BlogControllers::ctrMostrarMiniArticulosBlog();
echo '<section class="bloque-der-cat">';
foreach ($respuestaMiniArticulos as $row => $item) {
echo '<article class="mini-art-cat mini Article">
<a class="thumb-mini-art-cat" href="">
<img src="views/images/'.$item['name'].'.'.$item['ext'].'" title="'.$item['descriere'].' " alt="'.$item['descriere'].'" /></a>
<h3 class="titulo-mini-art-cat"><a href="">'.$titulo.'</a></h3>
<p class="fecha-y-comentario-mini-art-cat">junio 01, 2017 / <a href="">';
The comments table only exists for articles that have comments, that is, if an article id = 452 does not have comments, therefore, the comments table does not exist. Do I have to make a query with two checks then? First one to see if there is that comment id in comments and then another to see if it exists and relate it to the id in the articles table and make a count and finally all that at the same time apply it in a foreach to go making the count
As I said before I have tried several other ways that I do not put here, but in the end I'm getting a mess because I can not give each item with comment its position in the foreach block. How could I get it out or improve it?