Good! I'm doing an exercise where I have a simple list of objects and I want to add another list to each object in that list, either single or double?
for example:
public class Lista_Simple {
Nodo Primero;
int Longitud;
frmEstudiante es = new frmEstudiante();
public Lista_Simple() {
Primero = null;
public boolean isVacio() {
return Primero == null;
public void Ingresar(Miembro_Universidad dato) {
Nodo nuevo = new Nodo(dato);
if (isVacio()) {
} else {
Nodo puntero = Primero;
while (puntero.Siguiente != null) {
puntero = puntero.getSiguiente();
That is my list of students, so I want to add to each student another list of course examples.
How could I?