I am studying about MVC, however I have doubts about its correct implementation since I see everywhere that it is done differently.
Now, what I do is the following:
1- I create the DTO that represent my tables in the BD.
2- I create the corresponding DAO for each DTO.
3- I create a Controller for each DTO ** (I do not know if this is correct)
4- I create the View (Using Window Builder in NetBeans).
5- In the code of the Button I instate the DTO and through the setters I modify its attributes. (I do not know if this is correct)
6- I invoke the Controller, who passed the DTO object as parameters.
In the exercises that I have seen, I observe that the Vista does not call the Controller, its not that the Controller calls the View.
A fragment of my application:
MODEL: EmployeeDTO:
package Modelo;
* @author Julian Lopez
public class Empleado {
private int empleadoId;
private String empleadoNombre;
private String empleadoApellido;
private String empleadoContacto;
public Empleado(int empleadoId, String empleadoNombre, String empleadoApellido, String empleadoContacto) {
this.empleadoId = empleadoId;
this.empleadoNombre = empleadoNombre;
this.empleadoApellido = empleadoApellido;
this.empleadoContacto = empleadoContacto;
public Empleado() {
this.empleadoId = 0;
this.empleadoNombre = "";
this.empleadoApellido = "";
this.empleadoContacto = "";
public int getEmpleadoId() {
return empleadoId;
public void setEmpleadoId(int empleadoId) {
this.empleadoId = empleadoId;
public String getEmpleadoNombre() {
return empleadoNombre;
public void setEmpleadoNombre(String empleadoNombre) {
this.empleadoNombre = empleadoNombre;
public String getEmpleadoApellido() {
return empleadoApellido;
public void setEmpleadoApellido(String empleadoApellido) {
this.empleadoApellido = empleadoApellido;
public String getEmpleadoContacto() {
return empleadoContacto;
public void setEmpleadoContacto(String empleadoContacto) {
this.empleadoContacto = empleadoContacto;
MODEL: EmpleadoDAO
public class EmpleadoDAO {
public ArrayList<Empleado> listarEmpleado(int empleadoId) {
Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement prepared = null;
ResultSet result = null;
ArrayList<Empleado> listado = new ArrayList<>();
try {
con = Conexion.getConection();
String selectSQL = "";
if (empleadoId == 0) {
selectSQL = "SELECT * FROM tb_empleado";
} else {
selectSQL = "SELECT * FROM tb_empleado WHERE Empleado_ID = ?";
prepared = con.prepareStatement(selectSQL);
if (empleadoId != 0) {
prepared.setInt(1, empleadoId);
result = prepared.executeQuery();
Empleado empleado = null;
while (result.next()) {
empleado = new Empleado();
} catch (SQLException ex) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Código : "
+ ex.getErrorCode() + "\nError :" + ex.getMessage());
return listado;
public int grabarEmpleado(Empleado empleado) {
Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement prepared = null;
int resultado = 0;
try {
con = Conexion.getConection();
String insertSQL = "INSERT INTO tb_empleado VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?)";
prepared = con.prepareStatement(insertSQL);
prepared.setInt(1, empleado.getEmpleadoId());
prepared.setString(2, empleado.getEmpleadoNombre());
prepared.setString(3, empleado.getEmpleadoApellido());
prepared.setString(4, empleado.getEmpleadoContacto());
resultado = prepared.executeUpdate();
} catch (SQLException ex) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Código : "
+ ex.getErrorCode() + "\nError :" + ex.getMessage());
return resultado;
DRIVER : DriverEmployee:
public class ControladorEmpleado {
public static ArrayList<Empleado> listarEmpleado(int empleadoId) {
ArrayList<Empleado> listaEmpleado; //= new ArrayList<>();
EmpleadoDAO empleadoDAO = new EmpleadoDAO();
listaEmpleado = empleadoDAO.listarEmpleado(empleadoId);
return listaEmpleado;
public static int grabarEmpleado(Empleado empleado) {
EmpleadoDAO empleadoDAO = new EmpleadoDAO();
int resultado = empleadoDAO.grabarEmpleado(empleado);
return resultado;
VIEW: Add Employee (Here I urge the EmployeeDTO and modify its attributes through the setters, later I invoke the corresponding Controller and I pass the object EmployeeDTO as parameter Is it correct to call the EmployeeDTO being this part of the MODEL?
private void btnGrabarActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
// TODO add your handling code here:
if (txtEmpleadoID.getText().equals("") || txtEmpleadoNombre.getText().equals("")
|| txtEmpleadoApellido.getText().equals("") || txtEmpleadoContacto.getText().equals("")
|| txtEmpleadoDireccion.getText().equals("") || txtEmpleadoSalario.getText().equals("")) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Por favor diligencie todos los datos", "Falta Informacion", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
} else {
Empleado miEmpleado = new Empleado();
CargoEmpleado cargosEmpleado = new CargoEmpleado();
cargosEmpleado = (CargoEmpleado) cboCargo.getSelectedItem();
int empleadoId = Integer.parseInt(txtEmpleadoID.getText());
String empleadoNombre = txtEmpleadoNombre.getText();
String empleadoApellido = txtEmpleadoApellido.getText();
String empleadoContacto = txtEmpleadoContacto.getText();
String empleadoDireccion = txtEmpleadoDireccion.getText();
int empleadoSalario = Integer.parseInt(txtEmpleadoSalario.getText());
int resultado = ControladorEmpleado.grabarEmpleado(miEmpleado);
if (resultado == 1) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Nuevo empleado registrado.");
} else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "No se pudo realizar el registro.", "Oopps... ", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
PS: I am aware that being a bit more demanding, validations of the fields should have been done in a separate Class and not as I have it here, where it is valid in the code of the button. I do not use any specific Framework.