Problems with the following MySQL query


I have a table in MySql with the following data, where id_pers is a foreign key to another table people.

  id   |  id_pers  |    created_at         |
   1   |      1    | 2016-09-12 16:59:11   |
   2   |      1    | 2016-09-12 17:03:45   |
  3    |      1    | 2016-09-12 17:03:30   |
  4    |      2    | 2016-09-12 18:05:29   |
  5    |      2    | 2016-09-12 18:03:00   |

How can I get the last inserted record grouped by id_pers . The selection that I am making is:

select id, id_pers, max(created_at) as fecha_creacion
from observaciones group by id_pers

What it gives me back:

  id   |  id_pers  |    created_at         |
  1    |      1    | 2016-09-12 17:03:45   |
  4    |      2    | 2016-09-12 18:05:29   |

It returns a id=1 in the first record when it should be id=2 . However the id=4 gives it back to me well.

Columns are of type id => INT , id_pers => INT and created_at => TIMESTAMP .

Thanks in advance.

asked by Developer 12.09.2016 в 18:59

2 answers


What you need is to get the maximum date by id_pers and then you can make a JOIN with the original table:

FROM observaciones o
INNER JOIN (SELECT id_pers, MAX(created_at) max_created
            FROM observaciones
            GROUP BY id_pers) om
    ON o.id_pers = om.id_pers
    AND o.created_at = om.max_created;
answered by 12.09.2016 / 19:03

Why the question code does not work:

  • Detection of Functional Dependence

I know I know little about MySQL , but I would like to collaborate with another alternative, using subqueries without JOIN :

FROM observaciones t
    SELECT id
    FROM observaciones t1
    WHERE t1.id_pers = t.id_pers
    ORDER BY created_at DESC
    LIMIT 1

Code in use:

That code I could do thanks to the following documentation:

I did not understand why MySQL allows to include in the SELECT fields that are not in GROUP BY , but the doubts were cleared when reading:

  • GROUP BY Modifiers
  • MySQL Handling of GROUP BY
answered by 13.09.2016 в 09:04