I will try to explain myself as best I can. What I'm looking for is printing a table, which is the result of a query I get with jquery ajax, in a PDF file. The query is made from these data:
The user chooses and when clicking on the query, I get the query with jquery ajax, the code is as follows:
url: 'vistas/modulos/secundaria.php',
method: 'POST',
data: parametros,
dataType: 'json',
cache: false,
contentType: false,
processData: false,
success: function(registros){
var opcion;
var entrega;
var costo;
var auxiliar = 0;
$.each(registros, function(i, registro){
if (typeof (registro.primer_aviso) != "undefined") {
opcion = registro.primer_aviso;
entrega = registro.entrega_primer;
costo = registro.costo_primer;
opcion = registro.testimonio;
entrega = registro.entrega_testimonio;
costo = registro.costo_testimonio;
auxiliar = parseInt(auxiliar) + parseInt(costo);
With this code I get a result like that, until here I have no problem:
Now what I need, is that when the user clicks on the CREATE PDF button, a new tab should be opened with the resulting table of the query in a pdf file, in fact I can print it in a pdf file, my problem is that I can only send print without styles. So:
What I did was save all the contents of the table in a variable, like this:
$('#pdf').on('click', function() {
var auxiliar = $('#consultaSecundaria').html();
var contenido = "<table border='1'>"+auxiliar+"</table>";
window.open ("vistas/modulos/pdf.php?contenido="+contenido, '_blank');
And then in the php file this:
require '../../vendor/autoload.php';
use Spipu\Html2Pdf\Html2Pdf;
$imprimir = $_GET['contenido'];
$objeto = new Html2Pdf();
$objeto -> writeHTML($imprimir);
$objeto -> output('archivo.pdf');
What I learned about HTML2PDF I learned from this video: link
From what I see, to be able to style the pdf file you need a new file in html, which by means of the php functions ob_start () and ob_get_clean () you save it in a variable with all its css styles and then if, You send it to print. My problem is that the table that I want to print in pdf I get from a jquery ajax query, and I can not get it in the same way they do in the tutorials. I do not know how to combine these 2 situations.
I can not think of a way to solve it. Nobody?