transitions does not update model in view


Dear, I am using $transitions to identify since $state is reaching a certain one.

$transitions.onSuccess({ from: 'trabajos/nuevo_trabajo' }, (trans) => {

var cargarDatos = function(){
    nuevoVehiculo = angular.fromJson(SessionFactory.getDataByKey('nuevoVehiculo'));
    if (nuevoVehiculo) {
        $ = nuevoVehiculo.nombre_cliente;
        $ = nuevoVehiculo.patente;
        $ = nuevoVehiculo.anio;
        $ = nuevoVehiculo.kilometros;
        $ = nuevoVehiculo.marca;
        $ = nuevoVehiculo.modelo;
        $ = nuevoVehiculo.cilindrada;
        $ = nuevoVehiculo.telefono_cliente;


<form name="nuevoVehiculoForm" data-ng-submit="nuevoVehiculo()">
    <div layout layout-sm="column">
        <md-input-container flex class="input-form-custom">
            <input required name="patente" ng-model="data.patente" ng-pattern="/^((([a-z]|[A-Z]){2}[0-9]{4})|(([a-z]|[A-Z]){4}[0-9]{2}))$/" maxlength="6">
            <div ng-messages="nuevoVehiculoForm.patente.$error">
                <div ng-message="required">Patente es obligatoria.</div>
                <div ng-message="pattern">Patente inválida.</div>
        <md-input-container flex class="input-form-custom">
            <input required name="anio" ng-model="data.anio" type="number">
            <div ng-messages="nuevoVehiculoForm.anio.$error">
                <div ng-message="required">Debe ingresar un Año.</div>
        <md-input-container flex class="input-form-custom">
            <input required name="kilometros" ng-model="data.kilometros" type="number">
            <div ng-messages="nuevoVehiculoForm.kilometros.$error">
                <div ng-message="required">Debe ingresar un Kilometraje.</div>
    <div layout layout-sm="column">
        <md-input-container flex class="input-form-custom">
            <input required name="marca" ng-model="data.marca">
            <div ng-messages="nuevoVehiculoForm.marca.$error">
                <div ng-message="required">Debe ingresar Marca.</div>
        <md-input-container flex class="input-form-custom">
            <input required name="modelo" ng-model="data.modelo" type="text">
            <div ng-messages="nuevoVehiculoForm.modelo.$error">
                <div ng-message="required">Debe ingresar Modelo.</div>
        <md-input-container flex class="input-form-custom">
            <input required name="cilindrada" ng-model="data.cilindrada" type="number">
            <div ng-messages="nuevoVehiculoForm.cilindrada.$error">
                <div ng-message="required">Debe ingresar Cilindrada</div>
    <div layout layout-sm="column">
        <md-input-container flex class="input-form-custom">
            <label>Nombre completo</label>
            <input type="text" required name="nombre_cliente" ng-model="data.nombre_cliente" columns="1" md-maxlength="150"></input>
            <div ng-messages="nuevoVehiculoForm.nombre_cliente.$error">
                <div ng-message="required">Nombre completo es obligatorio.</div>
        <md-input-container flex class="input-form-custom">
            <input ng-pattern="/^([0-9]*)?$/" minlength="11" maxlength="11" required name="telefono" ng-model="data.telefono" type="text">
            <div ng-messages="nuevoVehiculoForm.telefono.$error">
                <div ng-message="required">Teléfono es obligatorio</div>
                <div ng-message="minlength">Teléfono debe tener 11 caracteres.</div>
                <div ng-message="maxlength">Teléfono debe tener 11 caracteres.</div>
                <div ng-message="pattern">Teléfono debe ser numérico</div>
        <button ng-disabled="!canSubmit()" type="button" class="btn btn-success" ng-click="ingresarNuevoVehiculo()">Ingresar</button>

The $ impression reflects the changes and updates the model. However, in the HTML code the change is not reflected. I do not know why it's not updated.


I managed to run the stateChangeSuccess but still, the model is not updated. I think the problem does not go through that, add html code.

<script src="[email protected]/release/angular-ui-router.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/angular-ui-router/release/stateEvents.min.js"></script>
asked by sioesi 27.12.2017 в 14:23

2 answers


What happens is that the function where you make the changes does not belong to $scope and therefore, it is not updated automatically. To do so, you must do the following:

var cargarDatos = function(){
    nuevoVehiculo = angular.fromJson(SessionFactory.getDataByKey('nuevoVehiculo'));
    if (nuevoVehiculo) {
        $scope.$apply(function() {
            $ = nuevoVehiculo.nombre_cliente;
            $ = nuevoVehiculo.patente;
            $ = nuevoVehiculo.anio;
            $ = nuevoVehiculo.kilometros;
            $ = nuevoVehiculo.marca;
            $ = nuevoVehiculo.modelo;
            $ = nuevoVehiculo.cilindrada;
            $ = nuevoVehiculo.telefono_cliente;

With that you get data forced to SEE that an update was made and then act on that basis. Greetings.

answered by 27.12.2017 в 23:43

There are different possible causes such as:

  • The asynchronous call does not end in time to render.
  • The cycle of $digest is untimely.

You can try one of the following alternatives:

  • $transitions.onSuccess({ from: 'trabajos/nuevo_trabajo' }, (trans)=>
  • $transitions.onSuccess({ from: 'trabajos/nuevo_trabajo' }, (trans)=> 
  • Check that you are not using one time bind .

  • answered by 27.12.2017 в 23:34