I'm doing a small neural network that detects the letter the thing is that I get stuck on something that may seem basic, I create a neuron object for each letter, it's only those 7, each letter has 3 different letters as well as pixels something like that.
That is an "A" and so with all the letters
I have 3 designs for each type of letter I read the patterns and I pass them to 3 arrays and then those arrays I convert them to a bipolar array like "1" and "-1" but when I print those bipolar arrays to see if I did it well (I print the first "a" and the first "b") and print the same thing.
My constructor is like this, later I put the method I use to read the files.
public elPratronizaje() throws IOException {
a = new Neurona("C:\Users\CHOME\Desktop\Letras_entrenamiento\A.txt");
b = new Neurona("C:\Users\CHOME\Desktop\Letras_entrenamiento\B.txt");
c = new Neurona("C:\Users\CHOME\Desktop\Letras_entrenamiento\C.txt");
d = new Neurona("C:\Users\CHOME\Desktop\Letras_entrenamiento\D.txt");
e = new Neurona("C:\Users\CHOME\Desktop\Letras_entrenamiento\E.txt");
j = new Neurona("C:\Users\CHOME\Desktop\Letras_entrenamiento\J.txt");
k = new Neurona("C:\Users\CHOME\Desktop\Letras_entrenamiento\K.txt");
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
Method I use to read files
void leer(String archivo) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
FileReader f = new FileReader(archivo);
BufferedReader b = new BufferedReader(f);
while((cadena = b.readLine())!=null) {
letra += cadena;
int aux = letra.length();
// System.out.println(cadena);
and this to convert the text to bipolar strings of type int, which is the constructor of the neuron class
public Neurona(String archivo) throws IOException {
letras[0] = "."+letra.substring(0,63);
letras[1] = "."+letra.substring(63,126);
letras[2] = "."+letra.substring(126,189);
letrasAux[0] = letras[0].toCharArray();
letrasAux[1] = letras[1].toCharArray();
letrasAux[2] = letras[2].toCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < 64 ; i++) {
if (letrasAux[0][i] == '#'){
letrasBipolares[0][i] = 1;
}else if (letrasAux[0][i] == '.'){
letrasBipolares[0][i] = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < 64 ; i++) {
if (letrasAux[1][i] == '#'){
letrasBipolares[1][i] = 1;
}else if (letrasAux[1][i] == '.'){
letrasBipolares[1][i] = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < 64 ; i++) {
if (letrasAux[2][i] == '#'){
letrasBipolares[2][i] = 1;
}else if (letrasAux[2][i] == '.'){
letrasBipolares[2][i] = -1;