My problem is the following: I added a Facebook share button to my page. But at the moment of doing it, the news does not appear correctly. It appears to me without an image.
I used the Facebook content debugger ( link ) to see how it was displayed until I managed to put all the necessary labels. og: url, og: type, og: image, etc ...
The problem is that when I use the Facebook content debugger I use it with the example news and when SHARING is the only one that appears correctly to me .
If I open the news for example and by clicking the SHARE button. The title appears, the description BUT THE IMAGE OF THE NEWS 2 DOES NOT APPEAR
How can I make any news as I add it, can they be seen correctly? It should be automatic, since it is the same code, the only thing that changes is the ID of the news. I hope you understand my problem or doubt.
Thank you very much!