I have a website in wordpress that has a menu where, when you press, it makes autoscroll towards a specific id. I created a section called News and it shows the last post of a category with a link that, if you click, open a single.php with the big news. The problem comes when, using the same menu in the single.php, having only the id and these are not present the archived where the news is made does nothing. I tried to use the url of the web + the id (www.url.es/#id) in the menu, but only firefox solves this, chrome no, I know it is not correct, but I can not find another way. Here I leave as reflected the menu
<div id="main_nav">
<?php wp_nav_menu( array(
'theme_location' => 'main-nav',
'menu_id' => 'menu-main_menu',
'container' => '')); ?>
Do you know how to add a backward jump to this menu? Thanks in advance