Search in database with Foreach in my model Codeigniter


Hello to the whole stackoverflow community, my respects for this site is undoubtedly full of geniuses and I hope you can help me: / ...

The issue here is that I have to make a report of how many people were cited by campaign from the first of the month until today, that I was doing manually, each adding a new campaign I manually added another function in the model looking for those cited with respect to the new campaign ... but I want to optimize the time, making a function that facilitates all this ...

I will explain how I have structured my code:

In my controller I have this:

$Nombres_campañas = $this->realreporteo->Nombres_campañas(); //Con esto obtengo los nombres de las campañas que existen.

if($Nombres_campañas != FALSE)
$result = array();

foreach($Nombres_campañas as $row) 
   $info = $row->empresa;
   $result[] = $this->realreporteo->Formula_numeros_citados($info);

$data['resultados'] = $result;


$this->load->view('reporteo', $data);

In my model I have the functions like this

function Nombres_campañas() // Este es para sacar los nombres de las campañas
        $this -> db -> select('empresa,fechaent');

        $this -> db -> from($this->TableReporteo);  

        $this -> db -> where('fechaent >= ', strtotime(date('1-m-Y')), TRUE);
        $this -> db -> where('fechaent <= ', strtotime(date('d-m-Y')), TRUE);


        $query = $this->db->get();

        $row = $query->result();

        return $row;


This is my function that should take the count

function Formula_numeros_citados($info)

        $this -> db -> select('empresa,fechaent,estatus');

        $this -> db -> from($this->TableReporteo);

        $this -> db -> where('estatus','Citado');

        $this -> db -> where('empresa',$info);

        $query = $this->db->get();

        $row = $query->row();

        return $row;


And I want it to be able to print in my view on a table with a foreach

foreach($resultados as $value)



My database is called reporting and has basic varchar type fields "name, company, date, campaign, status, telephone, etc etc ..."

Currently the code that I showed you throws a result like this in my view: If you throw me the names of the campaigns but the count does me wrong: (

I would very much appreciate if you could help me: /

asked by Sebastian Hoover 20.11.2017 в 17:08

1 answer


I hope my little suggestions will help you


$nombre_campana     = $this->realreporteo->nombres_campanas();
$result         = array();//fuera del if para su validacion si el resultado es false

if( nombre_campana){
    foreach($nombre_campana as $item){
        $result[]   = array(
                    'company'   => $item->empresa,
                    'info'      => $this->realreporteo->formula_numeros_citados($item->empresa)

$data['resultados]  = $result;


function nombres_campanas ( ) {
    $this->db->select('empresa, fechaent')
        ->like('fechaent', date('m-Y'), 'both')
        ->order_by('id', 'asc');

    return $this->db->get()->result();

function formula_numeros_citados ( $info ) {
    $this->db->select('fechaent, estatus')
        ->where('estatus', 'Citado')
        ->where('empresa', $info)
        ->order_by('id', 'asc');

    return $this->db->get()->result();

in the view

$prin = '';
foreach($resultados as $item){
    $prin .= '<tr>'
        .'<td>' . $item->company. '</td>'
        .'<td>' . ( count($item->info) > 0) ? $item->info : 0 . '</td>'

echo $prin;

This is what I can think of that you can change, let me know if it worked for you or not

answered by 21.11.2017 / 16:39