Connection to SQL Server from R [closed]


I'm trying to make a connection to a database in SQL Server from R , I have the server 172.16.XXX.XXX , the name of the database "pnet" , user: "usrname" , pwd: "pwd" .

I'm using the RODBC library, here's my code:

dbhandle <- odbcDriverConnect('driver={SQL Server};server=172.16.XXX.XXX;database=panet;Uid=usrname; Pwd=pwd; trusted_connection=true')

And I get the following error:

I already tried to change the state from trusted connection to false , connect without username ni pwd , and even use the odbcConnect(dsn, uid = "", pwd = "", ...)  and nothing seems to work.

I hope someone can help me achieve this connection !!

asked by Jose Incera 12.10.2017 в 22:41

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