when trying to get a record in ORACLE and the value of the property which I then use to make a validation contains a null value query error
Informe de error -
ORA-01403: No se ha encontrado ningún dato
ORA-06512: en línea 38
01403. 00000 - "no data found"
*Cause: No data was found from the objects.
*Action: There was no data from the objects which may be due to end of fetch.
I share the query
Tabla :[r5addetails]
Propiedades de la tabla:
[add_code = '3340.';
ADD_TEXT = null;
add_rentity = 'TASK';
codigo VARCHAR2(2000) :='3340.';
long_var LONG;
vv VARCHAR2 (2000);
nuevasReferencias VARCHAR2(2000);
add_refes_in VARCHAR2(2000) :='MCG.26.10.2017';
Select ADD_TEXT INTO long_var FROM r5addetails where add_code=(codigo||'#0') and add_rentity='TASK' and add_type='*' and add_lang='ES';
nuevasReferencias:= REPLACE (add_refes_in,'####', CHR(10));
dbms_output.put_line( vv );
if instr( vv, 'REF:' ) != 0 then
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('NUEVA REFERENCIA: ' || SUBSTR(vv,0,INSTR(vv,'REF:',1,1)-1)||' REF:'|| nuevasReferencias);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('AGREGAR NUEVA REFERENCIA: ' || vv ||' REF:'|| nuevasReferencias);
end if;
Any ideas, how to avoid that error and try to return a blank value or something ?. Thanks
NOTE: Not to earn points like how to ask the question , I would appreciate the solution rather than criticize the way you write. Thanks