Help with a SQL Query


In a SQL database, I have a part reference table with quantities, stock locations and stock entry date. I need to ask about to know what stock locations to get a certain number of pieces. Prioritize about locations that have the oldest entry date and have the number of pieces that I want to take out. The problem comes when in one location I do not have enough to catch and I would have to take another. I can not think of how to raise it, so that the result of the query are the columns to pick up.

Right now the code I have is:

  FROM [dbo].[Ubicaciones]
 WHERE HoraFecha = (select MIN(HoraFecha) from [dbo].[Ubicaciones]) AND Ctd >= "CantidadExtraer"

The table I have would be of the following type:

CODIGO     Ctd       Ubicacion     FechaHora
5555        2           PK01        17/11/17
5555        2           PK02        18/11/17
5555        3           PK03        19/11/17
5555        3           PK04        20/11/17
5555        4           PK05        21/11/17

With the query that I have made in case of wanting to extract QuantityExtract = 4, the result would be 4 PK05. In the following order if I want to extract 4 again, the result should be: 2 PK01, 2 PK02.

Thanks for the help.

asked by panki 15.11.2017 в 16:14

1 answer


If I did not get it wrong, you have two "logical" ways to recover the locations:

  • If the amount to extract is less than that of any location, we obtain the oldest location
  • If we do not cover the required amount in any location, we must recover the oldest locations until the amount is completed.
  • The following code is a proof of concept of a solution to your problem:

    CREATE TABLE #Ubicaciones (
        CODIGO      INT,
        Ctd         INT,
        Ubicacion   CHAR(4),
        FechaHora   DATETIME
    INSERT INTO #Ubicaciones(CODIGO, Ctd, Ubicacion, FechaHora)
        VALUES  (5555, 2, 'PK01',  '2017/11/17'),
            (5555, 2, 'PK02',  '2017/11/18'),
            (5555, 3, 'PK03',  '2017/11/19'),
            (5555, 3, 'PK04',  '2017/11/20'),
            (5555, 4, 'PK05',  '2017/11/21')
    CREATE TABLE #UbicacionesSolicitud (
        CODIGO      INT,
        Ubicacion   CHAR(4),
        Ctd         INT,
        FechaHora   DATETIME,
        Acumulado   INT
    DECLARE @Cantidad   INT
    -- CANTIDAD A BUSCAR ---------
    SELECT @Cantidad = 5
    -- 1. Hay alguna ubicación que cubre totalmente el pedido?
    INSERT INTO #UbicacionesSolicitud (CODIGO, Ubicacion, Ctd, FechaHora, Acumulado)
    SELECT  TOP 1 CODIGO, Ubicacion, Ctd, FechaHora, Ctd
        FROM #Ubicaciones
        WHERE Ctd >= @Cantidad
        ORDER BY FechaHora
    -- 2. Si no hay casos 1, entonces listamos las ubicaciones necesarias para cubrir la cantidad
    IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM #UbicacionesSolicitud)
        INSERT INTO #UbicacionesSolicitud (CODIGO, Ubicacion, Ctd, FechaHora, Acumulado)
        SELECT  U1.CODIGO,
            FROM #Ubicaciones U1
            LEFT JOIN #Ubicaciones U2
                ON U2.CODIGO = U1.CODIGO
                AND U2.FechaHora <= U1.FechaHora
            GROUP BY U1.CODIGO, 
            ORDER BY U1.FechaHora
        DELETE  #UbicacionesSolicitud
            FROM #UbicacionesSolicitud U
            LEFT JOIN (SELECT   TOP 1 CODIGO, Ubicacion, Acumulado
                    FROM #UbicacionesSolicitud
                    WHERE Acumulado >= @Cantidad
                    ORDER BY Acumulado
                ) H
                ON H.CODIGO = U.CODIGO
            WHERE U.Acumulado > H.Acumulado
    -- Salida final
    SELECT  *
        FROM #UbicacionesSolicitud
    DROP TABLE #UbicacionesSolicitud
    DROP TABLE #Ubicaciones


    • First we create a table #Ubicaciones with the data of your example and another table #UbicacionesSolicitud that will contain the list of locations to which the order would have to be made based on the quantity.
    • The first query is to check if there is a location with enough stock, in which case we bring only the oldest one
    • The second part is a bit more complex, but basically what you do is a Quantity Accumulator from the oldest to the newest location
    • Then we obtain the first location whose accumulator is equal to or greater than @Cantidad and delete from this location the ones that follow.
    • At the end we simply list #UbicacionesSolicitud where we will have the locations to request.

    Important note: This query is defined to work on one product at a time, as you indicated in your example.

    answered by 17.11.2017 в 14:42