I have a view that responds with a JsonResponse. I need to generate a pdf report using the same instance of the Building class (the structure variable).
For example, the view returned by a Json is:
def buildings(request):
if request.POST and request.is_ajax():
s_form = BuildingForm(request.POST)
if s_form.is_valid():
structure = Building(**s_form.cleaned_data)
html = render_to_string('wind/results/buildings/buildings_results.html', {'structure': structure})
return JsonResponse({"result": html})
return JsonResponse({'building_errors': s_form.errors,
s_form = BuildingForm()
return render(request, 'wind/buildings.html', {'s_form': s_form})
I have the following code to generate and return the pdf:
response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf')
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="Report.pdf"'
buffer = BytesIO()
report = BuildingsReport(structure) # Quiero usar la misma instancia
pdf = report.generate_pdf()
return response
What I want is to use the same instance to generate as much as the html and the pdf.
Using a different view would imply making another instance of the Building class, unless there is some other solution making another view that I do not know.
In the browser I would like the html to be shown with the results and a button available for the user to download the pdf when he wants.
I have read some of Celery, but I do not finish understanding or discovering if it is adequate to do something like that.
Thanks in advance!