Is it possible to pass parameters to a controller using the angularjs directive?


I would like to pass a jade parameter to the angle controller, but the view is loaded by a directive and I have the doubt that it is possible to pass some arguments.

The jade is loaded in the following way ...

    mixin mi-cuenta(miCuenta)

The angle directive is the following ...

          .directive('micuenta', () => {
               return {
                    controller: 'MiCuentaCtrl as miCuentaCtrl',
                    replace: true,
                    template: '../../views/tpl.html',
                    scope: {}

in Jade myCount is a JSON with information that I want to add to tpl.html but I do not know how to pass it to the controller.

asked by Alberto Rojas 06.09.2017 в 18:49

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