I have this script
n.Conteo, MAX(d.IdPaciente) OVER(PARTITION BY d.IdPaciente ORDER BY d.IdPaciente )IdPaciente , IdPaciente, d.FechaAnalitica, d.GlucosaPre, d.Sodio, d.Calcio
##Numeros n
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY pt.IdPaciente ASC) row,
pt.IdPaciente, FechaAnalitica, GlucosaPre,Sodio, Calcio
on ANA_BIOQUIMICA.IdPaciente = pt.IdPaciente
ON n.Conteo = d.row
where n.Tabla = 'ANA_BIOQUIMICA'
order by d.IdPaciente, n.Conteo
This is the actual script ... as shown ... there is no where filter, since the resulting list must be created for a set of IdIdent values, in this case it is where the script does not group the null for each code of IdPaciente ... but put them together at the beginning of the list.
Additionally, I comment on the following. The table ## Numbers contains the maximum register count per patient ... in the case I am considering, there are two patients, code 2450 and code 38
So the resulting list should be 88 records ... since the table ## Numbers for the ANA_BIOQUIMICA table is set for that value
Then the left join with ## Numbers, serves to complete with null records, the ones that are missing from each patient code.
then there should be 44 records for each code of IdPaciente ... for the case of code 38 11 records with values and 33 with values null