The query shows you by default the record with the most occurrences of first.
So by setting a LIMIT 1
you'll get only the record that had the most occurrences.
Now, knowing how many occurrences there was of each impossible thing is not, but difficult yes.
In the example (query 2) a ranking of the number of occurrences in each row is shown. On that basis, a calculation would have to be made.
The documentation explains more or less how to do with a single word and is somewhat complicated. It will be much more complicated in the case of several search criteria. I suggest you review the section: Relevancy Rankings for InnoDB Boolean Mode Search . Another difficulty is that calculations with the MyISAM engine appear to be less secure.
Here is the test code.
Query 1 shows the record that had the most occurrences.
Query 2 shows a calculated occurrence score.
I hope it serves you.
CREATE TABLE test_20170805 (
dato VARCHAR(70)
ALTER TABLE test_20170805 ADD FULLTEXT(dato);
INSERT INTO test_20170805 (dato)
('Cables de Altavoces'),
('Altavoces Colombia'),
('Bose Carlos Doris'),
('Generaciones Altavoces'),
('Última Bose Colombia')
-- Obtener la que tiene más ocurrencias usando LIMIT 1; --
SELECT id, dato FROM test_20170805
AGAINST ('altavoces Bose ultima 5 generacion latinoamerica colombia' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
-- Obtener un ranking ordenado de mayores a menores ocurrencias --
SELECT id, dato,
MATCH (dato) AGAINST ('altavoces Bose ultima 5 generacion latinoamerica colombia' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS score
FROM test_20170805 ORDER BY score DESC;
--Consulta 1
id dato
6 Última Bose Colombia
--Consulta 2
id dato score
6 Última Bose Colombia 1,06080877780914
3 Altavoces Colombia 0,258652836084366
4 Bose Carlos Doris 0,227644696831703
1 Altavoces 0,0310081318020821
2 Cables de Altavoces 0,0310081318020821
5 Generaciones Altavoces 0,0310081318020821