I'm trying to make an application for touch screens. The driver I'm using is the AR1021 for resistive screens, and the programming platform is HArmony in mplab microchip.
The communication is by SPI, the micro is PIC32MZ2048ECH144. The fact is that I have a program inside the main ( app_task () in harmony ) that turns me on and off a led besides drawing objects on the touch screen, the problem comes when I try to communicate and activate the < strong> system touch services of harmony at that time the program does not run.
If I comment a line of code inside the sys_touch.c file generated by harmony SYS_TOUCH_Open (SYS_TOUCH_INDEX_0) , the program runs again but the signals of the SPI disappear. It seems that they are colliding at some point or to use the same ports or for another reason that escapes me.
Could someone explain to me why?