Show different drivers on the map


I have an entity Actuaciones , with its controller, and I have created a new controller Electricidad :

web mvc scaffold --class ~.web.ElectricidadController --backingType ~.domain.Actuacion  --path electricidad

The idea is to apply filters in this new controller and then display them on the map.

In the file views / mapa / show.jspx , I put the following:

<layer:entity filterType="auto" id="l_es_ratowrs_geoportal2_domain_Actuacion" path="/electricidad" pk="id" z="user-managed">
            <layer:entity-field field="ubicacion" icon="glyphicon-home" iconLibrary="glyphicon" id="l_es_ratowrs_geoportal2_domain_Actuacion_ubicacion" markerColor="purple" z="8FKc5fLt7SAFzyuwUelU4X7zXuE="/>

However, the map filter does not take the Electricidad driver, but the Actuación .

Any ideas?

asked by luis perruca 18.08.2017 в 12:25

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