How to generate a report whose content is repeated elements?


Good day, I am generating a report and I want to print barcode of several products. Assuming I have 5 products and each one I want to print a certain amount of codes (bars) on a sheet or what comes out (see attached)

I want to send the quantities and the product id by parameter in order to generate the report.

The question is how to program by stored procedure or in C # code to indicate the amount to repeat a product? ( see attached report result ) p>

Table of quantities to send

Required report result (DevXpress Reports or Crystal Reports) In other words, repeat the amounts entered for each type of product

I am using Visual Studio 2015 (Windows Forms and C #) and a DevExpress report, then I have a stored procedure and report a link dataset. But the result that throws me is only one for each record found.

I use a stored procedure:

create procedure pa_ListarProductosInforme     
    select codigo, marca, descripcion from tb_producto

Then this procedure is linked to a DataSet in Visual Studio.

Now to generate the report I have this code:

XtraReport xtraInforme = new XtraInforme();
private void generarInforme()
     documentViewer1.DocumentSource = xtraInforme;

Remember that it is linked to a DataSet and the procedure does not require a parameter.

Now when do I tell you to repeat a record several times?

Thanks for your answers.

asked by Raúl 10.09.2017 в 05:50

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