Trying to send command for object without authority


Good, I'm trying to instantiate GameObjects in a LAN game in the scene from some buttons I have so you can choose which one you want to instantiate. From the Host everything goes perfect, I can instantiate the GameObjects and both Host as in the client it looks perfectly synchronized. The problem is that from the client I get the following error:


Trying to send command for object without authority.   UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkBehaviour: SendCommandInternal (NetworkWriter,   Int32, String)

Here I leave the Script

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class InstanceUnitats : NetworkBehaviour {

    //Parents Unitats Canvas
    private GameObject parentBytesonian;
    private GameObject parentHominis;

    //Unidades Bytesonians                  //Botones Bytesonians
    public GameObject unitatBasicBS;        public GameObject buttonBasicBS;
    public GameObject unitatHeavyBS;        public GameObject buttonHeavyBS;
    public GameObject unitatVehicleBS;      public GameObject buttonVehicleBS;
    public GameObject unitatMeleeBS;        public GameObject buttonMeleeBS;
    public GameObject unitatGeneralBS;      public GameObject buttonGeneralBS;

    //Unidades Bytesonians                  //Botones Bytesonians
    public GameObject unitatBasicHS;        public GameObject buttonBasicHS;
    public GameObject unitatHeavyHS;        public GameObject buttonHeavyHS;
    public GameObject unitatVehicleOFHS;    public GameObject buttonVehicleOFHS;
    public GameObject unitatVehicleTRHS;    public GameObject buttonVehicleTRHS;
    public GameObject unitatMeleeHS;        public GameObject buttonMeleeHS;
    public GameObject unitatGeneralHS;      public GameObject buttonGeneralHS;

    public Vector3 mousePosition;

    void Awake()
        parentBytesonian = gameObject.transform.Find ("BYTESONIANS").gameObject;
        parentHominis = gameObject.transform.Find ("HOMINIS").gameObject;

    void Start()
        //Inicializamos los generales siempre a 1
        StructManager.VG.unidadGeneralBS = 1;
        StructManager.VG.unidadGeneralHS = 1;

        //Si la bool es falsa, puedes escoger las unidades Humanas
        if (StructManager.VG.razaSelected == false) 
            parentHominis.SetActive (true);
        //Si no, puedes escoger las unidades Bytesonians
            parentBytesonian.SetActive (true);


    void Update()

        //Si las variables se quedan a 0 (es decir, todas las unidades estan instanciadas), borramos los botones
        if( StructManager.VG.unidadBasicaBS == 0 && StructManager.VG.unidadPesadaBS == 0 && 
            StructManager.VG.unidadMeleeBS  == 0 && StructManager.VG.unidadVehicleBS == 0 && 
            StructManager.VG.unidadGeneralBS == 0)
            Destroy (buttonBasicBS);
            Destroy (buttonHeavyBS);
            Destroy (buttonVehicleBS);
            Destroy (buttonMeleeBS);
            Destroy (buttonGeneralBS);

        //--------------HOMINIS SOLARIS--------------\
        //Si las variables se quedan a 0 (es decir, todas las unidades estan instanciadas), borramos los botones
        if( StructManager.VG.unidadBasicaHS == 0    && StructManager.VG.unidadPesadaHS == 0 && 
            StructManager.VG.unidadMeleeHS  == 0    && StructManager.VG.unidadVehicleOFHS == 0 && 
            StructManager.VG.unidadVehicleTRHS == 0 && StructManager.VG.unidadGeneralHS == 0)
            Destroy (buttonBasicHS);
            Destroy (buttonHeavyHS);
            Destroy (buttonVehicleOFHS);
            Destroy (buttonVehicleTRHS);
            Destroy (buttonMeleeHS);
            Destroy (buttonGeneralHS);

    public void SelectBoton(string accion)
        switch (accion) 
            case "BASICAB": CmdBB ();   break;
            case "HEAVYB":  CmdHB ();   break;
            case "MELEEB":  CmdMB ();   break;
            case "VEHICLEB": CmdVB ();  break;
            case "GENERALB": CmdGB ();  break;

            case "BASICAHS": CmdBHS (); break;
            case "HEAVYHS": CmdHHS ();  break;
            case "MELEEHS": CmdMHS ();  break;
            case "VEHICLEOFHS": CmdVOFHS ();    break;
            case "VEHICLETRHS": CmdVTRHS ();    break;
            case "GENERALHS": CmdGHS ();    break;


    void CmdBB()
        //Si el numero de unidades seleccionadas es mayor o igual a 0...
        if (StructManager.VG.unidadBasicaBS > 0) 
            GameObject newUBasicBS = Instantiate (unitatBasicBS, mousePosition, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
            StructManager.VG.unidadBasicaBS--;  //Restamos 1 a las unidades seleccionadas
            RayCastRatoli.instance.unitat = newUBasicBS;

            if(StructManager.VG.unidadBasicaBS <= 0)
                buttonBasicBS.GetComponent<Button> ().interactable = false;


    void CmdHB()
        if (StructManager.VG.unidadPesadaBS > 0) 
            GameObject newUPesadaBS = Instantiate (unitatHeavyBS, mousePosition, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
            StructManager.VG.unidadPesadaBS--;  //Restamos 1 a las unidades seleccionadas
            RayCastRatoli.instance.unitat = newUPesadaBS;

            if(StructManager.VG.unidadPesadaBS <= 0)
                buttonHeavyBS.GetComponent<Button> ().interactable = false;


    void CmdMB()
        if (StructManager.VG.unidadMeleeBS > 0) 
            GameObject newUMeleeBS = Instantiate (unitatMeleeBS, mousePosition, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
            StructManager.VG.unidadMeleeBS--;   //Restamos 1 a las unidades seleccionadas
            RayCastRatoli.instance.unitat = newUMeleeBS;

            if(StructManager.VG.unidadMeleeBS <= 0)
                buttonMeleeBS.GetComponent<Button> ().interactable = false;


    void CmdVB()
        if (StructManager.VG.unidadVehicleBS > 0) 
            GameObject newUVehicleBS = Instantiate (unitatVehicleBS, mousePosition, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
            StructManager.VG.unidadVehicleBS--; //Restamos 1 a las unidades seleccionadas
            RayCastRatoli.instance.unitat = newUVehicleBS;

            if(StructManager.VG.unidadVehicleBS <= 0)
                buttonVehicleBS.GetComponent<Button> ().interactable = false;


    void CmdGB()
        if (StructManager.VG.unidadGeneralBS > 0) 
            GameObject newUGeneralBS = Instantiate (unitatGeneralBS, mousePosition, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
            StructManager.VG.unidadGeneralBS--; //Restamos 1 a las unidades seleccionadas
            RayCastRatoli.instance.unitat = newUGeneralBS;

            if(StructManager.VG.unidadGeneralBS <= 0)
                buttonGeneralBS.GetComponent<Button> ().interactable = false;


    //---------------------HOMINIS SOLARIS---------------------\
    void CmdBHS()
        //Si el numero de unidades seleccionadas es mayor o igual a 0...
        if (StructManager.VG.unidadBasicaHS > 0) 
            GameObject newUBasicHS = Instantiate (unitatBasicHS, mousePosition, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
            StructManager.VG.unidadBasicaHS--;  //Restamos 1 a las unidades seleccionadas
            RayCastRatoli.instance.unitat = newUBasicHS;

            if(StructManager.VG.unidadBasicaHS <= 0)
                buttonBasicHS.GetComponent<Button> ().interactable = false;


    void CmdHHS()
        if (StructManager.VG.unidadPesadaHS > 0) 
            GameObject newUPesadaHS = Instantiate (unitatHeavyHS, mousePosition, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
            StructManager.VG.unidadPesadaHS--;  //Restamos 1 a las unidades seleccionadas
            RayCastRatoli.instance.unitat = newUPesadaHS;

            if(StructManager.VG.unidadPesadaHS <= 0)
                buttonHeavyHS.GetComponent<Button> ().interactable = false;


    void CmdMHS()
        if (StructManager.VG.unidadMeleeHS > 0) 
            GameObject newUMeleeHS = Instantiate (unitatMeleeHS, mousePosition, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
            StructManager.VG.unidadMeleeHS--;   //Restamos 1 a las unidades seleccionadas
            RayCastRatoli.instance.unitat = newUMeleeHS;

            if(StructManager.VG.unidadMeleeBS <= 0)
                buttonMeleeHS.GetComponent<Button> ().interactable = false;


    void CmdVOFHS()
        if (StructManager.VG.unidadVehicleOFHS > 0) 
            GameObject newUVehicleOFHS = Instantiate (unitatVehicleOFHS, mousePosition, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
            StructManager.VG.unidadVehicleOFHS--;   //Restamos 1 a las unidades seleccionadas
            RayCastRatoli.instance.unitat = newUVehicleOFHS;

            if(StructManager.VG.unidadVehicleOFHS <= 0)
                buttonVehicleOFHS.GetComponent<Button> ().interactable = false;


    void CmdVTRHS()
        if (StructManager.VG.unidadVehicleTRHS > 0) 
            GameObject newUVehicleTRHS = Instantiate (unitatVehicleTRHS, mousePosition, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
            StructManager.VG.unidadVehicleTRHS--;   //Restamos 1 a las unidades seleccionadas
            RayCastRatoli.instance.unitat = newUVehicleTRHS;

            if(StructManager.VG.unidadVehicleTRHS <= 0)
                buttonVehicleTRHS.GetComponent<Button> ().interactable = false;


    void CmdGHS()
        if (StructManager.VG.unidadGeneralHS > 0) 
            GameObject newUGeneralHS = Instantiate (unitatGeneralHS, mousePosition, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
            StructManager.VG.unidadGeneralHS--; //Restamos 1 a las unidades seleccionadas
            RayCastRatoli.instance.unitat = newUGeneralHS;

            if(StructManager.VG.unidadGeneralHS <= 0)
                buttonGeneralHS.GetComponent<Button> ().interactable = false;

asked by Adrian 03.05.2017 в 17:34

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