Admob and Android Ad Block


Good morning recently I published an app in Play Store, it contains a simple banner, now I'm thinking about placing another banner in another activity, I wanted to know if any of you used the same ad unit ID for different banner or necessarily I would have to create a new ad unit, I would also like to know what is the difference in having 2 with the same ID or with different ID.

The only information I found about this was:

I hope you can help me and thanks in advance: D

asked by Luis Yul 01.05.2017 в 15:43

1 answer


If you use the same ad code for several, it will work but you will not be able to see detailed statistics per ad.

The correct way would be to create in Google Admob one ad per activity and identify it as such.

answered by 01.05.2017 в 18:58