HashMap prints weird characters


I am deploying a java servlet in Weblogic, but when invoking it from the browser: link prints me the hashmap with Special characters:


srjava.util.HashMap ' F loadFactorI thresholdxp? @ wtABDULsrjava.util.ArrayListx a IsizexpDwXsr) com.test.corp.pld.Coincidence > ˽ F percentageL dateIngleLot / lang / String; Llistaq ~ Lnameq ~ Lpuestoq ~ xpB pppt1sq ~ B pppt1sq ~ B pppt1sq ~ B pppt1sq ~ B pppt1sq ~ B pppt1sq ~ B pppt1sq ~ B pppt

The encoding I use on the server from which the data is extracted is UTF-8. The Java version I use is 6.

Any suggestions to correct this problem? Thanks.

The code of the Servlet is the following:

import com.corp.pld.Coincidencia;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import ssa.ssase.ClieSock;
import ssa.ssautil.SSAException;

public class BusquedaServlet extends HttpServlet {
    Map camponum = new HashMap();
    private int inCharset;
    private String outCharset;
    private String hostname;
    private String rbname;
    private int hostport = -1;
    private String systemname;
    private String dateFormat;

    protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
            throws ServletException, IOException {
        long stamp = new Date().getTime();
        ClieSock ssaids = null;
        Object[] datosenv = (Object[]) null;
        Boolean searchStarted = new Boolean(false);

        printInfo("Iniciando peticion", stamp);
        datosenv = getArgs(request, ssaids, stamp);
        String search = (String) datosenv[0];
        String[] tempparam = (String[]) datosenv[1];
        try {
            printInfo("Creando Socket", stamp);
            ssaids = new ClieSock(this.hostname, this.hostport);
            printInfo("Abriendo Socket", stamp);
            while (ssaids.ids_system_open(this.rbname, this.systemname, "-v0", "") != 0) {
                printInfo("Falla al conectar", stamp);

            int[] searchCount = new int[1];

            String[] searches = new String[searchCount[0]];
            ssaids.ids_system_searches_get(searches, searchCount[0], 256);

            int[] searchFieldsCount = new int[1];
            ssaids.ids_search_fields_count(search, searchFieldsCount);

            String[] searchFields = new String[searchFieldsCount[0]];
            ssaids.ids_search_fields_get(search, searchFields, searchFieldsCount[0], 256);

            String[] idtName = new String[1];
            ssaids.ids_search_IDT_get(search, idtName, 32);

            int[] idtLen = new int[1];
            ssaids.ids_IDT_length_get(idtName[0], idtLen);

            int[] idtFieldCount = new int[1];
            ssaids.ids_IDT_fields_count(idtName[0], idtFieldCount);

            String[] idtNames = new String[idtFieldCount[0]];
            int[] idtLengths = new int[idtFieldCount[0]];
            int[] idtOffsets = new int[idtFieldCount[0]];
            int[] idtRepeats = new int[idtFieldCount[0]];
            String[] idtFormats = new String[idtFieldCount[0]];

            ssaids.ids_IDT_fields_desc(idtName[0], idtNames, idtFieldCount[0], 256, idtLengths, idtFieldCount[0],
                    idtOffsets, idtFieldCount[0], idtRepeats, idtFieldCount[0], idtFormats, idtFieldCount[0], 50);

            HashMap mapResultado = new HashMap();
            for (int j = 0; j < tempparam.length; ++j) {
                byte[][] parameters = new byte[1][];
                parameters[0] = tempparam[j].getBytes();
                printInfo("Realizando la busqueda", stamp);
                List respuesta = doSearch(search, parameters, idtLen[0], ssaids, stamp, searchStarted, idtFieldCount,
                        idtOffsets, idtLengths, idtNames);
                printInfo("Busqueda realizada", stamp);
                mapResultado.put(new String(parameters[0]), respuesta);

            ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(response.getOutputStream());
            printInfo("Terminamos !!", stamp);
        } catch (SSAException e) {
            obtenerError(e, ssaids, stamp);
            ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(response.getOutputStream());
            oos.writeObject("Error al conectarse a Servicio Identity");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            obtenerError(e, ssaids, stamp);
            ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(response.getOutputStream());
            oos.writeObject("Error al conectarse a Servicio Identity");
        } finally {
            die(ssaids, stamp, search, searchStarted.booleanValue());

    private List doSearch(String searchName, byte[][] searchValues, int searchRecordLen, ClieSock ssaids, long stamp,
            Boolean searchStarted, int[] idtFieldCount, int[] idtOffsets, int[] idtLengths, String[] idtNames) {
        List respuesta = new ArrayList();
        try {
            byte[][] records = new byte[0][0];
            int[] recsFound = new int[1];
            byte[] rec = new byte[searchRecordLen];

            ssaids.ids_search_start(searchName, "", "", searchValues, rec, rec.length, "", recsFound, records);

            searchStarted = new Boolean(true);

            int[] sreps = new int[0];
            int[] freps = new int[0];
            rec = new byte[searchRecordLen];
            int[] score = new int[1];

            while (ssaids.ids_search_get(searchName, rec, rec.length, score, sreps, 0, freps, 0) == 0) {
                respuesta.add(parseRecord(rec, searchRecordLen, score[0], ssaids, stamp, idtFieldCount, idtOffsets,
                        idtLengths, idtNames));

            searchStarted = new Boolean(false);
        } catch (SSAException e) {
            obtenerError(e, ssaids, stamp);

        return respuesta;

    private Coincidencia parseRecord(byte[] record, int searchRecordLen, int score, ClieSock ssaids, long stamp,
            int[] idtFieldCount, int[] idtOffsets, int[] idtLengths, String[] idtNames) {
        Coincidencia coincidencia = new Coincidencia();

        if (this.camponum.containsKey("score")) {
            coincidencia.setPorcentaje(new Float(score).floatValue());

        for (int i = 0; i < idtFieldCount[0]; ++i) {
            byte[] tempArr = new byte[searchRecordLen];
            System.arraycopy(record, idtOffsets[i], tempArr, 0, idtLengths[i]);
            String campo = idtNames[i].trim().toLowerCase();
            if (this.camponum.containsKey(campo)) {
                Object valor = null;
                try {
                    valor = transformaValor((String) this.camponum.get(campo),
                            new String(tempArr, this.outCharset).trim(), ssaids, stamp);
                    if (campo.equals("ClvLista")) {
                    } else if (campo.equals("Nombre")) {
                    } else if (campo.equals("Feccarga")) {
                    //  coincidencia.setFechaIngreso((Date) valor);
                    } else if (campo.equals("Estatus")) {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    obtenerError(e, ssaids, stamp);
        return coincidencia;

    private Object transformaValor(String tipo, String cadena, ClieSock ssaids, long stamp) {
        Object valor = null;
        if (tipo.equals("string")) {
            valor = cadena;
        } else if (tipo.equals("int")) {
            valor = new Integer(new String(cadena).trim());
        } else if (tipo.equals("date")) {
            SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(this.dateFormat);
            try {
                valor = sdf.parse(cadena);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                obtenerError(e, ssaids, stamp);
        } else if (tipo.equals("double")) {
            valor = new Double(new String(cadena).trim());
        return valor;

    private void die(ClieSock ssaids, long stamp, String search, boolean searchStarted) {
        if (ssaids == null)
        try {
            if (searchStarted) {
        } catch (SSAException e) {
            obtenerError(e, ssaids, stamp);

    private Object[] getArgs(HttpServletRequest request, ClieSock ssaids, long stamp) {
        printInfo("Obteniendo argumentos", stamp);
        Properties properties = new Properties();
        try {
            printInfo("Se obtuvieron las propiedades", stamp);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            obtenerError(e, ssaids, stamp);

        this.dateFormat = properties.getProperty("DATEFORMAT");
        this.inCharset = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty("INCHARSET"));
        this.outCharset = properties.getProperty("OUTCHARSET");
        this.hostname = properties.getProperty("SERVIDOR_DEFAULT");
        this.rbname = properties.getProperty("RULEBASENAME_DEFAULT");
        this.hostport = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty("PUERTO_DEFAULT"));
        this.systemname = properties.getProperty("SYSTEMNAME_DEFAULT");
        String[] camposnum = (properties.getProperty("CAMPONUM") != null)
                ? properties.getProperty("CAMPONUM").split(";") : null;
        if (camposnum != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < camposnum.length; ++i) {
                String[] columnas = camposnum[i].toLowerCase().split("@");
                this.camponum.put(columnas[0], columnas[1]);

        String search = request.getParameter("SEARCH_NAME");
        if ((search == null) || (search.trim().equals(""))) {
            search = properties.getProperty("BUSQUEDA_DEFAULT");
        String[] tempparam = request.getParameter("PARAMETERS").trim().split(";");
        printInfo("Termino la obtencion de parametros " + search, stamp);
        for (String busq : tempparam) {
            printInfo("*" + busq, stamp);
        return new Object[] { search, tempparam };

    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
            throws ServletException, IOException {
        processRequest(request, response);

    protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
            throws ServletException, IOException {
        processRequest(request, response);

    public String getServletInfo() {
        return "Short description";

    private void obtenerError(Exception e, ClieSock ssaids, long stamp) {
        LogHelper.error("BIZ" + stamp + " ERROR) ", e);

        String[] mensajes = { "" };
        try {
            while (ssaids.ids_error_get(mensajes, 200) == 0)
                for (String msj : mensajes)
                    LogHelper.error("BIZ" + stamp + " ERROR) " + msj);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            LogHelper.error("BIZ" + stamp + " ERROR) ", ex);

    private void printInfo(String message, long stamp) {
        LogHelper.info("BIZ" + stamp + ") " + message);

    private void imprimeMapa(Map mapa, long stamp) {
        Iterator it = mapa.keySet().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            String llave = (String) it.next();
            List valor = (List) mapa.get(llave);
            printInfo("RES-LLAVE: " + llave + ". RES-VALOR: " + valor, stamp);

and This refers to a Class that searches for Coincidences (Match):

public class Coincidencia implements Serializable{
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 4513675267165913836L;
    private String nombre; //Nombre IIR 10.0
    private String lista; //ClvLista
    private float porcentaje; 
    private String fechaIngreso;//Feccarga string
    private String puesto; //Estatus
     * @return the nombre
    public String getNombre() {
        return nombre;
     * @param nombre the nombre to set
    public void setNombre(String nombre) {
        this.nombre = nombre;
     * @return the lista
    public String getLista() {
        return lista;
     * @param lista the lista to set
    public void setLista(String lista) {
        this.lista = lista;
     * @return the porcentaje
    public float getPorcentaje() {
        return porcentaje;
     * @param porcentaje the porcentaje to set
    public void setPorcentaje(float porcentaje) {
        this.porcentaje = porcentaje;
     * @return the fechaIngreso
    public String getFechaIngreso() {
        return fechaIngreso;
     * @param fechaIngreso the fechaIngreso to set
     * date - string IIR 10.0
    public void setFechaIngreso(String fechaIngreso) {
        this.fechaIngreso = fechaIngreso;
     * @return the puesto
    public String getPuesto() {
        return puesto;
     * @param puesto the puesto to set
    public void setPuesto(String puesto) {
        this.puesto = puesto;

    public String toString()
        return "<Nombre:"+nombre+" Lista:"+lista+" Porcentaje:"+porcentaje+" Fecha:"+fechaIngreso+" Puesto:"+puesto;
asked by merry 05.04.2017 в 19:00

1 answer


You are serializing the map to the answer. What you are seeing are binary data. If you want to return text, you simply write mapResultado.toString() to the output. Do not use an ObjectOutputStream, simply response.getOutputStream().write(mapResultado.toString().getBytes()) .

answered by 18.04.2017 в 20:37