List of allowed links that the user input should contain


In my form, I would like the visitor to be able to enter in any field any URL that is or (wildcard), for example, like a wildcard.

I have the following in PHP:

$allowedsites = array(

if(in_array($longlink, $allowedsites)) {
$error = "The URL is in the array!";
$error = "The URL doesn't exists in the array.";
include ("crear.php");

I have tried without * and with *, it has not worked for me.  It is for a URL shortener restricted to certain pages . Why in bold? Because I'm not looking if the input matches with a single page, but with more than one. Thanks.

asked by Hernando Pineda 05.04.2017 в 20:39

2 answers


Well, I can think of a function like this:

echo check(''); //url válida
echo check(''); //url válida
echo check(''); //url no válida

function check($cadena) //funcion que recibe una cadena
  if (strpos($cadena, '') !== false) //strpos() busca coincidencias de una cadena dada con un valor definido. Este te regresa true o false segun sea el caso
      return 'URL válida';

    if (strpos($cadena, '') !== false) //anidar la función tantas veces como consideres necesario. O hacer un array de "test" y recorrerlo.
      return 'URL válida';

      if (strpos($cadena, '') !== false)
        return 'URL válida';

        return 'URL inválida';

The idea you already have, use your ingenuity to adapt it little by little what you need. Nobody will give you the entire answer to your program.


answered by 05.04.2017 в 21:02

in_array looks for an exact match, if you try to evaluate variations of the string you need regular expressions.

$patron = '/^http:[s]?\/\/test[a-z0-9]*\.com\/[a-z]*$/';
$url = '';

preg_match($patron, $url);

preg_match returns 1 if the string matches the pattern or 0 if it does not, if you try urls like link or link will return 1 for example.

answered by 05.04.2017 в 22:44