I need to call a function in a wsdl
, for which I am using __soapCall()
but at the time of using it I get the following error:
" Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [HTTP] Could not connect to host in C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ SOAP \ product.php: 39 Stack trace: # 0 [internal function]: SoapClient-> __ doRequest ('http: // ...', 'urn: georeferenc ...', 1, 0) # 1 C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ SOAP \ producto.php (39) : SoapClient-> __ soapCall ('georeferencingC ...', Array) # 2 {main} thrown in C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ SOAP \ product.php on line 39 "
I understand that I can also use __doRequest()
but the data that it returns to me is in a complete chain, that is to say all the information united in the same line and without space.
What I have in línea 39
is the following:
$vem = $cliente->__soapCall('georeferenciarCR',array($CodigoPais, $CodigoDepartamento, $CodigoMunicipio , $DireccionNatural , $Latitud , $Longitud));
I know those are the parameters that I have to send because those are the parameters implanted in xml
< soapenv:Body><br>
< gis:WSGeorreferenciarCR-RQ><br>
< gis:CodigoPais>57</ gis:CodigoPais><br>
< gis:CodigoDepartamento>68</ gis:CodigoDepartamento><br>
< gis:CodigoMunicipio>68081000</ gis:CodigoMunicipio><br>
< gis:DireccionNatural>KR 19 # 65 - 15</ gis:DireccionNatural><br>
< !--Optional:--><br>
< gis:Latitud></gis:Latitud><br>
< !--Optional:--><br>
< gis:Longitud></gis:Longitud><br>
< gis:UNE_Cobertura_Especial>0</gis:UNE_Cobertura_Especial>
I hope you can help me and thank you in advance!
** CODE **
$wsdl = "";
$xml = '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:gis="http://www.une.net.co/gis">
<gis:DireccionNatural>KR 19 # 65 - 15</gis:DireccionNatural>
$cliente = new SoapClient($wsdl,array('trace' => 1,'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1));
// $returndatos = $cliente->__doRequest($xml, $wsdl, 'urn:georeferenciarCR', null, 0);
// print_r($returndatos);
$parametros = array(
"CodigoPais" => 57,
"CodigoDepartamento" => 68 ,
"CodigoMunicipio" => 68081000,
"DireccionNatural" => "KR 19 # 65 - 15",
"Latitud" => "",
"Longitud" => "",
"UNE_Cobertura_Especial" => 0);
$strResp = $cliente->__soapCall('georeferenciarCR',array($parametros));