I am studying videogame development using C ++. For my project, I plan to create a mini-game FPS with weapons. I post here in order to help me a little to think about what the classes in charge of managing the inventory would be like.
I would like my game to have several types of weapons, each type associated with a ".mesh" which are 3D models, plus each weapon has a power, cadence and number of different magazine bullets.
I would like you to have different weapons assigned to your inventory as you advance in level.
I have some course code:
using namespace std;
using namespace std::placeholders;
template<class T>
T* deleter(T* x) {
delete x;
return 0;
class Weapon {
int ammo;
virtual int power(void) const = 0;
virtual int max_ammo(void) const = 0;
Weapon(int ammo=0) : ammo(ammo) { }
void shoot(void) {
if (ammo > 0) ammo--;
bool is_empty(void) {
return ammo == 0;
int get_ammo(void) {
return ammo;
void add_ammo(int amount) {
ammo = min(ammo + amount, max_ammo());
bool same_weapon_as(Weapon* other) {
return typeid(*this) == typeid(*other);
class Pistol : public Weapon {
virtual int power(void) const { return 1; };
virtual int max_ammo(void) const { return 50; };
Pistol(int ammo=0) : Weapon(ammo) {}
class Inventory : public vector<Weapon*> {
typedef typename Inventory::const_iterator WeaponIter;
typedef vector<Weapon*> WeaponVector;
class WeaponNotFound {};
void add(Weapon* weapon) {
auto it = find_if(begin(), end(),
bind(&Weapon::same_weapon_as, _1, weapon));
if (it != end()) {
delete weapon;
WeaponVector weapons_with_ammo(void) {
WeaponVector retval;
remove_copy_if(begin(), end(), back_inserter(retval),
bind(&Weapon::is_empty, _1));
if (retval.begin() == retval.end())
throw Inventory::WeaponNotFound();
return retval;
Weapon* more_powerful_weapon(void) {
WeaponVector weapons = weapons_with_ammo();
sort(weapons.begin(), weapons.end(),
bind(&Weapon::less_powerful_than, _1, _2));
return *(weapons.end()-1);
Inventory::~Inventory() {
transform(begin(), end(), begin(), deleter<Weapon>);
What do they think?