The code that will show below is on the official Ogre website: Ogre's official website
I have also seen this query: StackOverFlow English and I used the code to load the font, but it does not work.
My code is this:
OverlayManager *_overlayMgr = OverlayManager::getSingletonPtr();
Ogre::Overlay *_overlay = _overlayMgr->create("overlayInfo");
OverlayContainer* _panel = static_cast<Ogre::OverlayContainer*>(_overlayMgr->createOverlayElement("Panel", "container1"));
_panel->setDimensions(1, 1);
_panel->setPosition(0, 0);
Ogre::OverlayElement *textBox = _overlayMgr->createOverlayElement("TextArea", "txtGreeting");
textBox->setDimensions(100, 100);
textBox->setPosition(10, 90);
// **textBox->setParameter("font_name", "Blue");**
textBox->setParameter("char_height", "0.3");
The line that explodes everything is the one that is commented and in bold, that is, this line:
textBox->setParameter("font_name", "Blue");
The error that appears in the console is as follows:
Excepción detectada: OGRE EXCEPTION(5:ItemIdentityException): Could not find font MyFont in TextAreaOverlayElement::setFontName at /build/ogre-1.9-mqY1wq/ogre-1.9-1.9.0+dfsg1/Components/Overlay/src/OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.cpp (line 358)
RUN FINISHED; Segmentation fault; core dumped; real time: 3s; user: 310ms; system: 3s
Note: "Blue" is the same as it appears in Ogre's post as "MyFont".