Group and have the data with the autoincremento mayor- SQL


I need to search in a database like this, where "id" is the variable with autoincrement:

id   device 

6      1
5      1
4      2
3      2
2      1
1      1

I need to sort by "device" but it gave me when "id" is minimal, I need to group with "device" when "id" is maximum

I used:

SELECT * FROM 'table' GROUP BY device

Answer he gave:

id   device
1      1
3      2

Desired answer:

id   device
6      1
4      2
asked by Ivan Gonzalez 24.10.2018 в 02:57

2 answers


Make SELECT of the id of your table grouped by device after obtaining that SELECT , do another SELECT on the same table obtaining the results of a INNER JOIN using the first SELECT , where you will filter the records by the id obtained in the first query.

You should have something like this:

SELECT A.* FROM 'table' A 
    SELECT MAX(id) AS id FROM 'table' GROUP BY device
    ) B ON =
ORDER BY A.device
answered by 24.10.2018 / 16:51



You should achieve this by using an aggregation function such as MAX()   applied to the column id and then grouped by device remaining of   this mode

SELECT MAX(id), device from tabla group by device;

The only thing you should replace is tabla by the name of your table

If what you want is to show the rest of the columns, it would be enough for you to do the following

SELECT MAX(id), device, columna3, columna4, columnaN 
from tabla 
group by device;



column1, column2, columnN are the names of the columns that   you want to be shown in the final result of your query; enough that   put the name that corresponds to each one and separate them by   coma


If you want to show all the other columns but not write them one by one; your query should look like this

SELECT MAX(id), device, tabla.* 
from tabla 
group by device;


The important thing here is tabla.* where table is the name of your table and when you put .* we are telling you to bring all the columns

answered by 24.10.2018 в 03:06