I have the following query in Laravel through query builder:
$objective_risk = DB::table('objective_risk')
->select('risks.name','objective_risk.id as riskid')
This query works perfectly connecting me to MySQL, but now I need it to work for me in SQL Server, which gives me the following error:
SQLSTATE[42000]: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server][SQL Server]
La columna 'risks.name' de la lista de selección no es válida, porque no está contenida en
una función de agregado ni en la cláusula GROUP BY. (SQL: select [risks].[name], [risks].[id]
from [objective_risk] inner join [objectives] on [objectives].[id] = [objective_risk].
[objective_id] inner join [risks] on [risks].[id] = [objective_risk].[risk_id] where
[objectives].[organization_id] = 28 group by [risks].[id] order by [risks].[name] asc)
In the background I have a table of risks and another of objectives (in relation to many to many), and I want to obtain the id of the relation (objective_risk.id) and the name of the risk, and I try to do the grouping by the id of the risk (considering that it is a many-to-many relation so that they do not repeat themselves), which in MySQL works perfect but not in SQL Server.
I hope you can orient me a bit.