Do stored procedure with a tour of another table


Good afternoon community. I am a beginner in this of the stored procedures, and I would like to know some way to do the following:

I have these 2 tables:


   1   |    1   | 2000 | 1000 | 1
   2   |    2   | 3000 | 100  | 1
   3   |    5   | 100  | 50   | 1
   4   |    3   | 200  | 120  | 2
   5   |    6   | 40   | 40   | 2
   6   |    4   | 2304 | 2100 | 3


cuentaid|cuenta |deudas01|abonos01|deudas02|abonos02|deudas03|haber03
    1   |1020319|  2000  |  1000  |     0  |     0  |     0  |   0   
    2   |1823934|  3000  |   100  |     0  |     0  |     0  |   0
    3   |1238923|   100  |    50  |     0  |     0  |     0  |   0
    4   |2389235|     0  |     0  |   200  |   120  |     0  |   0
    5   |9583313|     0  |     0  |    40  |    40  |     0  |   0
    6   |1223940|     0  |     0  |     0  |     0  |  2304  |   0

What I need to do is a stored procedure, which takes a tour of the table of accounts, to get all the accounts.account , and followed by this, add debts / credits for balances .county .

NOTE: I already have part of the stored procedure, I would like to know how to do the tour and add cuenta.cuentaid .

asked by Marco LRam 14.03.2017 в 00:30

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