(Network error while fetching https://rubygems.org/quick/Marshal.4.8/puma-3.8.1.gemspec.rz)


I get this error when running bundle install, I'm new to rails the first time you go to: Network error while fetching link

asked by Brayan Jimenez 13.03.2017 в 20:05

2 answers


You have problems installing puma reviews what happens with that gem, if you are in windows I recommend you migrate to linux but you will have many problems of this type, reinstall ruby and then rails after this make the new project rails enter there and make the bundle install

answered by 17.03.2017 в 01:22


gem install bundler
bundle update

If it does not work:

rm Gemfile.lock

If it still does not work check the Gemfile, it will be indicating a puma version that no longer exists or something like that, try to leave that line in simply:

gem 'puma'

Other tips would go through installing rvm if you do not have it and making sure you're using the necessary version of ruby:

rvm list

Possibly your gemfile indicates a specific version and rvm would select it automatically when entering the directory. Otherwise, you can tell rvm to use the one recommended by the application by default.

answered by 01.04.2017 в 15:14