I am trying to make the fictitious payment of the payment market in sandbox mode with easy payment, when I return the payment codes, I go to the easy payment I tell the cashier and it says something like "code not valid", this is the code that I'm using.
require_once ("sdk-php-master/lib/mercadopago.php");
$mp = new MP("inserto aqui mi client_id", "inserto aqui mi client_Secret");
$preference_data = array(
"items" => array(
"title" => "Productos Cubiertas Oeste",
"currency_id" => "ARG",
"category_id" => "Category",
"quantity" => 1,
"unit_price" => (float)$_POST['total']
"payer" => array(
"name" => $_POST['nombre'],
"surname" => $_POST['apellido'],
"email" => $_POST['email'],
"date_created" => "2017-03-15",
"phone" => array(
"area_code" => $_POST['cod_area'],
"number" => $_POST['telefono']
"identification" => array(
"type" => $_POST['tipo_dni'],
"number" => $_POST['dni']
$preference = $mp->create_preference($preference_data);
<html lang="en">
<a href="<?php echo $preference["response"]["sandbox_init_point"]; ?>" name="MP-Checkout" class="orange-ar-m-sq-arall">Pay</a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//resources.mlstatic.com/mptools/render.js"></script>
The data of the multi dimensional array I bring from a form of another page with the POST method as you can see. I do not think it is necessary to insert here the html code of the form.
Everything is fine, my problem is simply at the time of payment.
Greetings !!