I am programming the Log In of a page in PHP within WordPress and I get this error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function query () on null in /home3/georgerojas/public_html/contablesjm.com/wordpress/conexiondb.php on line 35
I know something about PHP but they tell me that in this case I should use PHP7.
Can anyone help me?
class conexion
private $conexion;
private $host = "localhost";
private $user = "georgero_conjmbd";
private $pw = "contablesjm17";
private $bd = "georgero_jmcontables";
/*private $user;*/
private $password;
public function __constuct()
$this->conexion = new mysqli($this->host, $this->user, $this->pw, $this->bd);
if ($this->conexion->connect_errno) {
die("fallo al tratar de conectar con MYSQL: (" . $this->conexion->connect_errno . ")");
public function cerrar()
public function login($usuario, $contrasena)
$this->usuario = $usuario;
$this->password = $contrasena;
$query = "select nombre, apellido from usuario where nombre='" . $this->usuario . "' or correo='" . $this->usuario . "' and contrasena='" . $this->password . "'";
$consulta = $this->conexion->query($query);
if ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($consulta)) {
$_session['nombre'] = $row['nombre'];
$_session['apellido'] = $row['apellido'];
echo "has iniciado Sesion";
} else {
echo "usuario o contraseña incorrectos";