Error MongoError: Can not extract geo keys


I'm trying to insert a GeoJSON object into a mongo database

  name: "cancha de san lorenzo", 
  date: new Date(1489203188492), 
  loc: { 
      type: "Point", 
      coordinates: [ 19.3096246, -99.6301335 ]

through the following instruction:

db.getCollection('places').insert(    { 
      name: "cancha de san lorenzo", 
      date: new Date(1489203188492), 
      loc: { 
          type: "Point", 
          coordinates: [ 19.3096246, -99.6301335 ]

And I get the error:

Can not extract geo keys: {_id: ObjectId ('58c37268cd95e4ab375a0ea1'), name: "court of san lorenzo", date: new Date (1489203188492), loc: {type: "Point", coordinates : [19.3096246, -99.6301335]}} longitude / latitude is out of bounds, lng: 19.3096 lat: -99.6301

What could be happening?

asked by Pablo Ezequiel 11.03.2017 в 04:46

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