Overlap of TOR + BurpSuite ports


Good morning,

I am trying to intercept TOR browser traffic through the BurpSuite proxy.

My configuration in the TOR browser is as follows:

Options > Advanced > Red > Settings > I select Configure Proxy Manual, adding:

HTTP Proxy: Port: 8080

SOCKS host: Port: 9150

And the configuration in Burp would be:

On the options tab:

SOCKS Proxy - > add (selecting "Use SOCKS proxy" and "do DNS lookups over SOCKS proxy")

And in the Proxy tab> Options:

Proxy listeners - >

Here is one of my problems, because if in proxy Listeners I put port 9150, I get a Brup alert with the following error:

Failed to start proxy service on Check if another service is already using this port.

It's obviously being used by TOR but I'm surprised that I can not put a listener on that port.

If anyone knows any way to solve this problem, since I have been standing at this point for a few days. Greetings and thanks !!!

asked by Marc Blaje 21.02.2017 в 16:20

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