I have the following query to obtain an average of some data of the 52 weeks of the year in the following way:
$dates = array();
$firstDate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime('first day of January 2016'));
$lastDate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime('last day of December 2016'));
for($i=strtotime($firstDate); $i<=strtotime($lastDate); $i+=86400 *7){
array_push($dates, date("Y-m-d", strtotime('monday this week', $i)));
for($i = 0; $i < count($dates); $i++){
$sql = "SELECT pr_products.product,
CONCAT(YEAR('".$dates[$i]."'),'-',LPAD(WEEK('".$dates[$i]."'),2,'0')) AS Week,
SUM(IF(sw_sowing.type = 'SW', sw_sowing.quantity,0)) AS PlantSowing,
SUM(IF(ROUND(DATEDIFF(TIMESTAMPADD(DAY,(6 WEEKDAY('".$dates[$i]."')),'".$dates[$i]."'), sw_sowing.date)/7) >= pr_products.week_production AND sw_sowing.type = 'SW',sw_sowing.quantity,0)) AS production
SELECT max(sw_sowing.id) AS id
FROM sw_sowing
WHERE sw_sowing.status != 0
AND sw_sowing.id_tenant = :id_tenant
AND sw_sowing.status = 100
AND sw_sowing.date <= TIMESTAMPADD(DAY,(6-WEEKDAY('".$dates[$i]."')),'".$dates[$i]."')
GROUP BY sw_sowing.id_production_unit_detail
) AS sw
INNER JOIN sw_sowing ON sw_sowing.id = sw.id
INNER JOIN pr_products ON pr_products.id = sw_sowing.id_product
INNER JOIN pr_varieties ON sw_sowing.id_variety = pr_varieties.id
INNER JOIN pr_lands ON pr_lands.id = sw_sowing.id_land
WHERE pr_varieties.code != 1
AND sw_sowing.id_product = 1
AND sw_sowing.status = 100
GROUP BY pr_products.product
HAVING plantSowing > 0
ORDER BY pr_products.product";
I declare two variables initially that are $firstdate
what is the starting date and $lastDate
which is the final date.
Then I make a for to go through the two dates and keep in an array the dates of the Mondays of each week.
Then I go through that new array to get the data I need week by week.
Note: Within the query the variables $dates[$i]
are the dates of the mondays of each week.
In short, the query works perfectly because it brings me the data I need from the 52 weeks of the year. The problem is that it takes a while.
I have already indexed the tables in mysql, I improve a little but not enough, the query is not really heavy, it takes on average 0.60 seconds per cycle.
I would like to know if there is a possibility to eliminate the for what I am doing and within the query add I do not know, a WHERE
that compares the two dates and brings me the data, or if there is any way to improve the query.