I'm using a plugin
for which I have created a function, which I use after each upload of the images as follows
//Función para recotar imagen
private function _risizeimage($image){
$img = ImageTool::resize([
'input' => $image,
'output' => $image,
'width' => 100,
'height' => 100,
'keepRatio' => true,
return $img;
here the function to load the images
public function publicadd() {
$publicadd = $this->Advertisements->newEntity($this->request->data);
$publicadd->id_user = $this->Auth->user('id_user');
$publicadd = $this->Advertisements->patchEntity($publicadd,$this->request->data);
if ($this->Advertisements->save($publicadd)) {
$id = $publicadd->id_advertisement;
$publicaddimg = $this->AdvertisementsImagenes->query();
//Variable que uso para recuperar las imagenes cargadas
$images = $this->request->data['name_imagen'];
foreach ($images as $image){
$imgname = $image['name'];
// Variable para recortar imagen
$img = $this->_risizeimage($imgname);
$data = [
'id_advertisement' => $id,
'name_imagen' => $image['tmp_name']
new Folder(WWW_ROOT . 'anuncios',true,0755);
// Funcion para cargar imagen al servidor
$mv = new File($img['tmp_name']);
$mv->copy(WWW_ROOT . 'anuncios/'.$img['tmp_name']);
$this->Flash->success('Anuncio Publicado');
$this->redirect(['controller' => 'Home','action' => 'index']);
$this->Flash->error('Error al momento de guardar el registro');
The problem is that it does not make the upload and the clipping as such I do not know if I'm doing something wrong, please help I've been several days with this Thanks