I need help loading several data using a TextView, I'm doing a project that I was asked at the University is the subject Operational Research I do not know if you already know but I have to do a project for that matter, my problem is that I know how I can enter various data to my application
Where it says number of variables as I enter the number of variables and where it says number of restrictions as I enter the number of restrictions.
Once I enter the number of variables and the number of restrictions I want internally to create a matrix with the values that I enter, in this case in the image introduced: number of variables: 2 and number of restrictions: 2 so which should create a 2x2 matrix and I want that every time I press the LOAD button every data that I enter in the EditText is loaded in the matrix that was created. In Java Eclipse it would be something like this:
for(int i=0;i<2;i++){
for(int j=0;j<2;j++){
matriz[i][j]=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Ingrese un numero");
With that I quietly charge it in the matrix but how can I do something like this in Android Studio ??? I hope you have understood me, I was as clear as possible, I hope your answers ... Thank you.