Good morning
I'm just finishing developing an app in android studio, I just have a problem, I save data in a bd in sqlite, only when I make a select from my table I do it well, but I try to go back to my table but it does from the second record and not from the first, I leave the code where I made the journey.
I leave the code where I first made the selection and that if I go through the table well from the first record but then try to return to the beginning of the table to go through it again but only runs through me from the second record
Cursor aIds = querySql("SELECT DISTINCT CLiente, FechaCobro FROM " + SqliteDB.DBhelper.TABLE_NAME_DETALLECLIENTE + " WHERE " + SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_Status + " = " + " '" + true + "'", null);
SimpleDateFormat DateFormatterd = new SimpleDateFormat("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss Z yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH);
int cont = aIds.getCount();
if (aIds.getCount() > 0) {
while (aIds.moveToNext()) {
int _Cliente = aIds.getInt(aIds.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_CLiente));
Date _Fecha = null;
try {
_Fecha = (DateFormatterd.parse(aIds.getString(aIds.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_FechaCobro))));
} catch (ParseException e) {
Cursor aRs = querySql("SELECT * FROM " + SqliteDB.DBhelper.TABLE_NAME_DETALLECLIENTE + " WHERE " + SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_Status + " = " + " '" + true + "'" + " AND CLiente=" + _Cliente + " AND FechaCobro " + "=" + "'" + _Fecha + "'" , null);
SimpleDateFormat DateFormatterD = new SimpleDateFormat("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss Z yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH);
if (aRs.getCount() > 0 || aRs.getCount() == _Cliente) {
while (aRs.moveToNext()) {
Id = aRs.getInt(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_ID));
Folio = aRs.getString(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_Folio));
ClientClave = aRs.getInt(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_CLiente));
try {
Date Fecha = DateFormatterD.parse(aRs.getString(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_Fecha)));
} catch (ParseException e) {
DocumentoD = aRs.getInt(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_Documento));
DocumentoDescripcion = aRs.getString(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_DocumentoDescripcion));
IdCliente = aRs.getInt(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_CLiente));
MonedaD = aRs.getInt(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_MonedaD));
ImporteD = aRs.getDouble(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_Importe));
DescuentoD = aRs.getDouble(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_Descuento));
SubTotalD = aRs.getDouble(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_SubTotal));
Retencion1D = aRs.getDouble(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_Retencion1));
Retencion2D = aRs.getDouble(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_Retencion2));
IEPSD = aRs.getDouble(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_IEPS));
IVAD = aRs.getDouble(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_IVA));
TotalD = aRs.getDouble(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_Total));
Saldo = aRs.getDouble(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_SaldoD));
Double SaldoVencido = aRs.getDouble(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_SaldovencidoD));
String ParcialidadD = aRs.getString(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_Parcialidad));
Double ParcialidadTotal = aRs.getDouble(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_ParcialidadTotal));
String PagoCondicionDescripcion = aRs.getString(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_PagoCondicionDescripcion));
UltimoCobroObservacion = aRs.getString(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_UltimoCobroObservacion));
TotalAplicado += aRs.getDouble(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_TotalApli));
TotalApli = aRs.getDouble(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_TotalApli));
UrlD = aRs.getString(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_URL));
DireccionD = aRs.getString(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_Direccion));
if (aRs.getCount() > 1)
if (TotalAplicado > 0 || TotalAplicado == 0 ) {
Factor = TotalAplicado / TotalD;
Importe += ImporteD * Factor;
Descuento += DescuentoD * Factor;
SubTotal += SubTotalD * Factor;
IVA += IVAD * Factor;
Retencion1 += Retencion1D * Factor;
Retencion2 += Retencion2D * Factor;
IEPS += IEPSD * Factor;
Total += TotalD * Factor;
Url = UrlD;
Direccion = DireccionD;
Cliente = IdCliente;
Moneda = MonedaD;
Observaciones = UltimoCobroObservacion;
O_ResultadoEncabezado = O_WS.LLenarEncabezadoCXCP("I", //Accion I
0, //Id = 0
new Date(),
1.0, //Tipo de Cambio por default 1
0, //Cuenta Bancaria
1, //Pago Forma
Total, //Saldo
Importe, //Importe
0, //Financiamiento
0, //ISH,
Total, //Total
Total, //totalaplicado,
"A", //status,
"", //usucariocancela,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, //Numero1...Numero10
Url, //Texto1
Direccion, //Texto2
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", //Texto1...Texto10
new Date(), new Date(), new Date(), new Date(), new Date(), new Date(), //Fecha1...Texto6
Observaciones, //Observacion
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //Catalogo1...Catalogo6
"", //ordencompra
0, //concepto
"", //observacioncancelacion
0, //origenventacompra,
0 //origeninventario
if (TotalApli > 0 || TotalApli == 0) {
Factor = TotalApli / TotalD;
Importe += ImporteD * Factor;
Descuento += DescuentoD * Factor;
SubTotal += SubTotalD * Factor;
IVA += IVAD * Factor;
Retencion1 += Retencion1D * Factor;
Retencion2 += Retencion2D * Factor;
IEPS += IEPSD * Factor;
Total += TotalD * Factor;
Url = UrlD;
Direccion = DireccionD;
Cliente = IdCliente;
Moneda = MonedaD;
Observaciones = UltimoCobroObservacion;
O_ResultadoEncabezado = O_WS.LLenarEncabezadoCXCP("I", //Accion I
0, //Id = 0
new Date(),
1.0, //Tipo de Cambio por default 1
0, //Cuenta Bancaria
1, //Pago Forma
Total, //Saldo
Importe, //Importe
0, //Financiamiento
0, //ISH,
Total, //Total
Total, //totalaplicado,
"A", //status,
"", //usucariocancela,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, //Numero1...Numero10
Url, //Texto1
Direccion, //Texto2
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", //Texto1...Texto10
new Date(), new Date(), new Date(), new Date(), new Date(), new Date(), //Fecha1...Texto6
Observaciones, //Observacion
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //Catalogo1...Catalogo6
"", //ordencompra
0, //concepto
"", //observacioncancelacion
0, //origenventacompra,
0 //origeninventario
if (O_ResultadoEncabezado.ErrorId == 0) {
while (aRs.moveToNext()) {
if (aRs.getDouble(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_TotalApli)) > 0 || aRs.getDouble(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_TotalApli)) == 0)
DFactor = aRs.getDouble(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_TotalApli)) / aRs.getDouble(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_Total));
Resultado = Integer.parseInt(O_WS.LLenarDetalleCXCP
("I", //Accion
0, //id
Id, //Origen
aRs.getInt(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_Documento)), //OrigenDocumento
aRs.getDouble(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_Importe)) * DFactor, //Importe
(Double) 0.0, //Financiamiento
aRs.getDouble(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_Descuento)), //Descuento
aRs.getDouble(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_SubTotal)) * DFactor, //Subtotal
aRs.getDouble(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_Retencion1)) * DFactor, //Retencion1
aRs.getDouble(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_Retencion2)) * DFactor, //Retencion2
aRs.getDouble(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_IEPS)) * DFactor, //IEPS
aRs.getDouble(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_IVA)) * DFactor, //IVA
(Double) 0.0, //ISH
aRs.getDouble(aRs.getColumnIndex(SqliteDB.DBhelper.COLUMN_NAME_Total)) * DFactor, //Total
"Android App Desconectado" //Referencia
webService.STR_Resultado O_Resultado = null;
if (Resultado == 0) {
ArrayList<DetalleMenu> ArrayMenu = new ArrayList<DetalleMenu>();
Cursor arS = querySql("SELECT * FROM " + SqliteDB.DBhelper.TABLE_NAME_Menu , null);
if (arS.getCount() > 0) {
while (arS.moveToNext()) {
DetalleMenu newDetalle = new DetalleMenu(
for (int i=0; i< ArrayMenu.size();i++)
Modulo = ((DetalleMenu)ArrayMenu.get(i)).getModulo();
Operacion = ((DetalleMenu)ArrayMenu.get(i)).getOperacion();
Documento = ((DetalleMenu)ArrayMenu.get(i)).getDocumento();
O_Resultado = O_WS.GrabarCxCP(Modulo, //Modulo
Operacion, //Operacion
Documento, //Documento
0, //OrigenId
0); //OrigenDocumento
//Se inicializan Variables
ImporteD = 0.0;
DescuentoD = 0.0;
SubTotalD = 0.0;
IVAD = 0.0;
TotalD = 0.0;
Importe = 0.0;
Descuento = 0.0;
SubTotal = 0.0;
IVA = 0.0;
Total = 0.0;
TotalAplicado = 0.0;