I followed this tutorial to create a table with a JSON in Angular 2 .
My question is, if I had a JSON of this type:
{"visitas": [{
"_id": "586b5d313406cd103c3f38d5",
"paciente": {
"_id": "586b525dcd09c319a04d7da1",
"edad": "25",
"nombre": "Paciente1"
"diagnostico": "Diagnostico de visita",
How do I parse the nombre
or the edad
of my patient in the table?
This is the view of my component:
<th *ngFor="let column of columns">{{column.header}}</th>
<tbody *ngFor="let row of getData()">
<td *ngFor="let column of columns">{{row[column.value]}}</td>
... and my selector datatable
in another view is this:
<h3>Tabla Dinamica de Pacientes</h3>
<datatable [dataset]=visitas [enableFilter]=true >
<column [value]="'fecha'" [header]="'Fecha'"></column>
<column [value]="'paciente'" [header]="'Paciente'"></column>
<column [value]="'edad'" [header]="'Edad'"></column>
<column [value]="'diagnostico'" [header]="'Diagnostico'"></column>
<column [value]="'_id'" [header]="'Id'"></column>
... but I get that in the name of my paciente
there is an object:
"Fecha" - "Paciente" - "Edad" - "Diagnóstico" - "ID"
"01-ene-2017" "[object Object]" "Diagnóstico de visita" "586B5D313406CD103C3F38D5"
... and if I put the following, nothing is reflected.
<column [value]="'paciente.nombre'" [header]="'Paciente'"></column>