Android: Implement Glide Librarian


Try to implement a Universal Image Loader library but I really did not understand anything about the documentation so look for others, now I'm trying to adapt my way of showing my images but using GLIDE , what happens is that I want to show the images in IndexActivity (it's my activity where I have my GridView initialized) but that they look as they load because what I used to do before was to launch the IndexActivity until all the images were not there, but that is harming me for other processes that I want to do.

//creo una instancia de CheckIn
 CheckIn checkIn = CheckIn.getInstance();
 ArrayList<Bitmap> bitmaps = new ArrayList<Bitmap>();
 if (checkIn.getImages().size() > 0) {//valido de que existan imagenes
    for (ImageData object: checkIn.getImages()) {
        bitmaps.add(object.getBitmap());//al ArrayList le agrego los Bitmaps
    gridView.setAdapter(new ImageAdapter(this, bitmaps));//seteo las imagenes al gridView

  CheckIn checkIn = CheckIn.getInstance();//TODO YA NO
  for (int i = 0; i < principalListOfImages.size(); i++) {
      ImageData imageData = new ImageData();//creo una instancia de ImageData
      Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(principalListOfImages.get(i));//paso el path a Bitmap
      imageData.setBitmap(bitmap);//le setteo el bitmap
      imageData.setPath(principalListOfImages.get(i));//le setteo el path
      checkIn.getImages().add(imageData);//recupero mi arreglo de objetos y le setteo mi nuevo objeto
      listOfBitmaps.add(bitmap);//cada BItmap lo setteo al arraylist

   new UploadImage().execute(listOfBitmaps); (AsyncTask)

 //ejecuta nuestras tareas  
 protected Void doInBackground(Object... params) {principales
     CloseableHttpClient httpClient;
     CloseableHttpResponse httpResponse;

 try {

    CheckIn checkIn = CheckIn.getInstance();//hago una instancia de checkin
    JSONObject jsonImage = new JSONObject();//creo un JSONObject

    ArrayList<Bitmap> listOfBitmaps = (ArrayList<Bitmap>) params[0];//Obtengo mi Arreglo de objetos para despues pasarlos a un array lis de Bitmap
    ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();//permitira la salida de los bytes

    for (int i = 0; i < listOfBitmaps.size(); i++) {//itero el arreglo

        listOfBitmaps.get(i).compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 70, byteArrayOutputStream);//se comprime la imagen
        byte[] byteArray = byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();//codifica el path a un arreglo de byte
        String encoded = Base64.encodeToString(byteArray, Base64.DEFAULT);//codifico ese byteArray a base64 y despues a scrintg

        jsonImage.put("folio", checkIn.getFolio());//paso el folio al JSONObject
        jsonImage.put("images", encoded);//le paso al JSONObject los codigos de las iameges

        StringEntityHC4 entityHC4 = new StringEntityHC4(jsonImage.toString(), ContentType.create("json/application", "UTF-8"));//la direccion del servidor a la que va a apuntar
        HttpPutHC4 httpPutHC4 = new HttpPutHC4(DynamicUrl.BASE_URL + DynamicUrl.SERVER_HOST + ":" + DynamicUrl.SERVER_PORT + "/api/checkkin");//la direccion del dervidor al que va a apuntar

        httpPutHC4.setEntity(entityHC4);//seteo los datos que tengo en el JSONObject

        httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault();//La configuracion del servidor va a ser default
        httpResponse = httpClient.execute(httpPutHC4);//Obtengo la respuesta del servidor

        if (httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) {//si el estatus de la respuesta es igual a 200
            JSONObject jsonRosponse = new JSONObject(EntityUtilsHC4.toString(httpResponse.getEntity()));//creo un JSONObject y le paso el JSON que recibio de la sespuesta del servidor

            if (jsonRosponse.getString("code").equals("OK")) {//checo que el JSON tenga la clave OK
                System.out.println("Las imagenes se guardaron correctamente");
            } else {
                System.out.println("Error al subir las imagenes");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Ocurrio un error");
  } catch (Exception e) {
  return null;
asked by Javier fr 22.12.2016 в 16:51

1 answer


I see that you are doing the construction of a project because of the questions you have asked, regarding the loading of the images through Glide , you do not need to have the images as a bitmap, what is usually done is to load the images from resources or from a url.

//Obtienes la referencia del ImageView en donde se cagaría la imagen.
ImageView imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(;

//Indicas a Glide que imagen cargar y en que vista.

The interesting thing about Glide is that it manages the cache and the memory required to process the image in an optimal way, and its implementation is much simpler than Universal Image Loader .

Reconsider using ArrayList of image urls to upload these images using Glide ,

ArrayList<String> urlBitmaps = new ArrayList<String>();

instead of what you currently have:

ArrayList<Bitmap> bitmaps = new ArrayList<Bitmap>();
answered by 22.12.2016 в 20:08