If you had Oracle 12, the conversion would be much simpler. Because from that version is able to handle the following 2 aspects that would be useful:
Syntax OFFSET ... FETCH ...
. Prior to Oracle 12, only something equivalent can be achieved using ROWNUM
or window function ROW_NUMBER()
Implicit Statement Results : Prior to Oracle 12, a stored procedure was not allowed to return the results of a query as it is done in SQL Server. Rather, it could only be achieved by returning a ref cursor , which is not so practical in its use.
Code in Oracle 12
If you can upgrade your database to version 12, then you can write the stored procedure in the following way:
create procedure MostrarCategorias(numPagina int, registrosPorPagina int)
c1 sys_refcursor;
open c1 for
select id_categoria as "ID", codigo as "CÓDIGO", nombre_categoria as "NOMBRE", descripcion as "DESCRIPCIÓN"
from Produccion.Categorias
order by "NOMBRE", "ID"
offset (numPagina - 1) * registrosPorPagina rows
fetch next registrosPorPagina rows only;
... that you can execute like this:
MostrarCategorias(numPagina => 1, registrosPorPagina => 10);
... or like this:
execute MostrarCategorias(numPagina => 1, registrosPorPagina => 10);
Code in Oracle 11
But if you do not have the luxury of being able to upgrade your database, the pagination should be done using ROWNUM
or the window function ROW_NUMBER()
, the latter being the easiest option.
The other problem is that as I mentioned above, in Oracle 11, there is no convenient way to return a query result from a stored procedure. There are ways, using a ref cursor as an output parameter, but they are very inconvenient in their use.
If I were in your place, I would choose to use a PIPELINED TABLE FUNCTION
. It has the disadvantage that you need to define 2 TYPE
that represent the fields of the records that you are going to return. But once defined the TYPE
and the function, its use is very simple.
For example, I do not know the exact structure of your Categorias
table, but I'm going to assume that id_categoria
is numeric and that the others are text. Assuming this, you would have to define the following TYPE
in order to define the function (adjust the types of the fields to reflect your structure):
create type CategoriaRow as object (
"ID" int,
"CÓDIGO" varchar2(100),
"NOMBRE" varchar2(100),
"DESCRIPCIÓN" varchar2(100)
create type CategoriaTable is table of CategoriaRow;
Now you can define the following function (note the use of ROW_NUMBER()
to perform paging):
create function MostrarCategorias(numPagina int, registrosPorPagina int)
return CategoriaTable pipelined as
for rec in (
select *
from (select id_categoria, codigo, nombre_categoria, descripcion,
row_number() over (order by nombre_categoria, id_categoria) as rn
from Produccion.Categorias)
where rn > (numPagina - 1) * registrosPorPagina
and rn <= numPagina * registrosPorPagina
order by rn
) loop
pipe row(CategoriaRow(rec.id_categoria, rec.codigo, rec.nombre_categoria, rec.descripcion));
end loop;
Now you can execute the function conveniently as if you were consulting a normal table:
select *
from table(MostrarCategorias(numPagina => 1, registrosPorPagina => 10))