I am sending data from a form which has many checkboxes that share the same name, I want to send those values, I do it in the following way:
var dataform= ($('input[name="cnSelects"]:checked').serialize());
data: {"data":dataform},
type: "POST",
url: "asset/query/q_showfieldstomake.php",
success: function (data)
and when I receive them they arrive like this:
How do I do php to "deSerialziarlo", I've always used this function:
parse_str($_POST['data'], $searcharray);
foreach($searcharray as $nombre_campo => $valor){
$asignacion = "\$" . $nombre_campo . "='" . $valor . "';";
echo $asignacion." "."<br>";
//esta funcion hace que cada name del formulario se combierta en una variable con su respectivo valor
but here it does not work because all the data comes with the same name. and I want to have each value independently.