What I want to do is that my list in my android app have a different letter with more style, I already have fonts of type .ttf in the assets folder and I already did it with a textview but I could not implement it in a list
Here is my Java class builder
Context context;
int layoutResourceId;
Typeface tf;
public AyudarApp(Context context, int layoutResourceId,String FONT ) {
this.layoutResourceId = layoutResourceId;
this.context = context;
tf = Typeface.createFromAsset(context.getAssets(), FONT);
This way I assign everything to my constructor
AyudarApp my_adapter = new AyudarApp(AyudarApp.this , R.layout.activity_ayudar ,"font/Cursive standard.ttf");
mListView.setAdapter((ListAdapter) my_adapter);
The error is that when wanting to enter where my list is, it shows me that the application has stopped working and it takes me out of the app