Error config.vm.boot_timeout in vagrant up for Homestead


I've been working with Homestead for quite some time. A few days ago, I delete ubuntu because I had several problems of instability, I change to mint with the promise of being a little more stable and I miss this error .. Thinking that I had some problem in the distro, I returned to Ubuntu Mate. But the error is that it persists

I saw that someone proposed a similar problem on the stack but they did not go deeply into it. So I decided to open this.

I found several solutions, like entering the vagrant gui (which I can do) and changing the ports and some other configurations without results

The most suggested is to change the value of "config.vm.boot_timeout" in the VagrantFile to 600. But the truth is that my vagrantfile is not equal to the one proposed and this variable does not appear. So I do not know how to add it:

# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :

require 'json'
require 'yaml'

confDir = $confDir ||= File.expand_path("~/.homestead")

homesteadYamlPath = confDir + "/Homestead.yaml"
homesteadJsonPath = confDir + "/Homestead.json"
afterScriptPath = confDir + "/"
aliasesPath = confDir + "/aliases"

require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/scripts/homestead.rb')

Vagrant.require_version '>= 1.8.4'

Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
if File.exist? aliasesPath then
    config.vm.provision "file", source: aliasesPath, destination: "~/.bash_aliases"

if File.exist? homesteadYamlPath then
    settings = YAML::load(
elsif File.exist? homesteadJsonPath then
    settings = JSON.parse(

Homestead.configure(config, settings)

if File.exist? afterScriptPath then
    config.vm.provision "shell", path: afterScriptPath, privileged: false

if defined? VagrantPlugins::HostsUpdater
    config.hostsupdater.aliases = settings['sites'].map { |site| site['map'] }

Try to destroy it, recreate it and nothing. I would have to try an older version of vagrant. I do not remember what I had before.

vagrant version: 1.8.7 vbox version: 5.0.24

Any solution?

asked by Cidius 27.11.2016 в 15:34

1 answer


The Vagrantfile file is nothing more than a Ruby file and what Vagrant does at the end of loading the configurations is to mix them all (those of the virtual machine and its overrides like this of Homestead).

In that order of ideas you can put the configuration line anywhere other than within a conditional or similar, maybe before the Homestead configuration script is included (it's just another Ruby file).

config.vm.boot_timeout = 600

Homestead.configure(config, settings)

If you use Vagrant 1.8.7, you should use Virtualbox 5.1+, which works with Vagrant 1.8.4 +

If you use a version of Vagrant less than 1.8.4, you must use Virtualbox 5.0.x

answered by 27.11.2016 / 16:19