What happens is that I have the following code in which I keep only 1 record in the database, after that I get "registration error" that I indicate that it would leave in case the data is not saved correctly. The strange thing is that if I delete this register from the database, I accept one again, but more than that, not someone who has the answer ....
$mysqli=new mysqli("localhost","root","","sistema"); //servidor, usuario de base de datos, contraseña del usuario, nombre de base de datos
echo 'Conexion Fallida : ', mysqli_connect_error();
form ..
<form name="nuevo_usuario" method="POST" action="guarda_usuario.php">
<table width="50%">
<td width="20"><b>Usuario</b></td>
<td width="30"><input type="text" name="usuario" size="25" /></td>
<td><input type="password" name="password" size="25" /></td>
<td><input type="text" name="email" size="25" /></td>
<td colspan="2"><center><input type="submit" name="eviar" value="Registrar" /></center></td>
and registration code ..
$query="INSERT INTO usuarios (usuario, contrasenia, email) VALUES ('$usuario','$password','$email')";
<title>Guardar usuario</title>
<?php if($resultado>0){ ?>
<h1>Usuario Guardado</h1>
<?php }else{ ?>
<h1>Error al Guardar Usuario</h1>
<?php } ?>
<a href="index.php">Regresar</a>