Configure DoctrineExtensions in symfony 2.8 manually


I need help setting DoctrineExtensions ( Gedmo ) manually in Symfony 2.8 Standard . My access to the internet is very limited and I can not use composer.

I have in my possession the versions of DoctrineExtensions 2.3 and 2.4.12 . I tried to follow the that the package brings but I do not give with the solution.

I just want to activate the Tree extension to handle a hierarchical data structure.

It gives me errors that indicate that the class TreeListener has not been loaded, or that the annotations Gedmo are not recognized in the entity for which I want to create the tree.

In case you can configure the StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle manually also having the package downloaded as well as the library DoctrineExtensions , how can it be done?

asked by Francisco 11.09.2016 в 03:22

1 answer


I already solved it by registering the library in app/autoload.php :

$loader->add('Gedmo', __DIR__.'/../vendor/gedmo/doctrine-extensions/lib/');

and setting in app/config/config.yml as explained by the help for symfony2 that includes the package

answered by 19.09.2016 в 21:14