Installation of phonegap-facebook-plugin doubts


I am following the following tutorial to install the phonegap-facebook-plugin with Ionic


I was able to make it work in the browser with some modifications, but I could never make it work on my android with the cordova APP to connect to my pc's server via wifi ... the login button does not work, which in the browser it does ... my doubt arises when installing the plugin I think I'm doing something wrong, since I do not save the name and ID of the facebook app in any file I install it using the following command:

cordova -d plugin add phonegap-facebook-plugin –variable APP_ID=”123456789″–variable APP_NAME=”myApplication”

I execute it with the quotes in the ID and APP NAME and I think it is not installing it, I calculate that my error is coming from there, that's why I do not compile the plugin when I want to run it on my cell phone and I do not go the login button, my question is, where or how do I configure my ID and APP name in the config.xml? in some other file?

Greetings and thank you very much!

asked by Sebastian Gonzalez Volpe 05.07.2016 в 15:06

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