Good day.
I am new to the development of PHP with Symfony (Doctrine and FosRest) and Angular 2.
The project that we are developing works through a API Rest , to which we make calls of the methods that the protocol HTTP provides us, all the response that generates the API are in JSON ,
All the results that the API throws at us in JSON, refer to the entities that we have mapped to the DB with Doctrine .
The JSON that generates the API does it through FosRest , here my configuration:
param_fetcher_listener: true
default_format: json
include_format: json
view_response_listener: 'force'
xml: false
json: true
html: false
rules: ~
'Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException': 404
'Doctrine\ORM\OptimisticLockException': HTTP_CONFLICT
'Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException': true
allowed_methods_listener: true
json: true
body_listener: true
inflector: app.util.inflector
The configuration that I have with doctrine is the following:
driver: pdo_sqlsrv #pdo_mysql
host: "%database_host%"
port: "%database_port%"
dbname: "%database_name%"
user: "%database_user%"
password: "%database_password%"
charset: UTF8
auto_generate_proxy_classes: "%kernel.debug%"
naming_strategy: doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore
auto_mapping: true
metadata_cache_driver: apc
query_cache_driver: apc
The JSON that generates the API is correct, here is an example:
"lista": [{
"id": 1,
"username": "admin",
"email": "[email protected]",
"enabled": true,
"last_login": "2016-07-04T16:31:07-0500",
"nombre": "admin",
"primer_apellido": "admin",
"segundo_apellido": "admin",
"id_programa_docente": {
"id": 1,
"abreviatura": "LRI",
"nomenclatura": "LRI",
"descripcion": "Licenciatura en Relaciones Internacionales",
"consecutivo": "1",
"clave_dgp": "3453454355",
"mes_anio_primer_periodo": "2016-06-09T10:30:00-0500",
"campus": "HARVARD",
"modalidad": "Escolarizado",
"numero_registro_sege": "863676476",
"fecha_registro_pnpc": "2016-06-09T10:30:00-0500",
"numero_referencia_pnpc": "0976555",
"requiere_pago": true,
"color_rgb": "253545454",
"ultima_actualizacion": "2016-06-17T12:51:28-0500",
"id_nivel_estudios": {
"id": 1,
"clave": "LIC",
"descripcion": "Licenciatura",
"ultima_actualizacion": "2016-06-11T10:58:44-0500",
"id_estatus": {
"id": 1008,
"valor": "Inactivo",
"activo": true,
"id_catalogo": {
"id": 1004,
"valor": "CatalogosEstatus",
"activo": true
"id_archivo_credencial_frontal": {
"id": 193,
"nombre": "FRENTE-LRI.jpg",
"extencion": "jpeg",
"mime_type": "image/jpeg",
"md5": "e5643b567aa6e134ae1abcc23fdb545e",
"is_perfil": false
"id_archivo_credencial_reversa": {
"id": 194,
"nombre": "REVES-LRI.jpg",
"extencion": "jpeg",
"mime_type": "image/jpeg",
"md5": "d490d35f448d3fcb849cc708f7291bc5",
"is_perfil": false
"id_estatus": {
"id": 1007,
"valor": "Activo",
"activo": true,
"id_catalogo": {
"id": 1004,
"valor": "CatalogosEstatus",
"activo": true
"ldap": true,
"rolesdb": [{
"id": 8,
"id_rol": {
"id": 9,
"nombre": "ADMINISTRADOR",
"descripcion": "Rol Administrador",
"activo": true
}, {
"id": 9,
"id_rol": {
"id": 10,
"nombre": "SHOWCASE",
"descripcion": "Rol showcase",
"activo": true
}, {
"id": 10,
"id_rol": {
"id": 11,
"nombre": "DESARROLLADOR",
"descripcion": "Rol desarrollador",
"activo": true
The problem I have is when an entity has multiple relationships, as you can see in the example JSON, when parsing the entity is adding all its relationships ( each key that starts with id _ it's a mapped relationship with Doctrine) and since our BD has grown considerably, there are times when a JSON has too much information that is hard to read from Angular's side.
Is there any way to delimit (optimize) up to what level the parsing (JSON) of the relationships in an entity is done?