Access denied error 1011 when obtaining an image with file_get_contents?


I would like to know why I can not access the image and show it, every time I run the script the image is not displayed and when I open it from my host I get the following:


Error 1011 Ray ID: 2c82fb8597081629 • 2016-07-25 22:17:31 UTC


Access denied

include 'dom.php';
$hi = file_get_contents("");
$ho = json_decode($hi);

    $c = 1;
    foreach ($ho->data as $key => $value) {
        ///muestro el nombre
        echo ($c++)." --> ".$value->capitulo->tomo->manga->nombre."<br>";
        // no me muestra la imagen me sale como si el link estuviera roto pero si lo abro desde la web misma oficial normal ingresa....

        echo "<img src='".$value->capitulo->tomo->manga->imageUrl."'> <br>";
        //muestro el capitulo 
        echo "Capitulo  --> ".$value->capitulo->numCapitulo."<br>";
asked by Alexander Castillo 26.07.2016 в 00:25

1 answer


It is an error that shows the security service Cloudflare, to avoid using the content (.jpg, .gif, .png, .json, etc) of a website in another site, sometimes the first consultations allows you consume the content but if you abuse you definitely block.

I leave you the meaning of the error:

"The site owner has an activated security feature that does not allow hotlinking of that particular resource, CloudFlare can not remove this security option for the site owner, so you should contact the site owner directly with some concern about hotlinking "

For more information.


answered by 26.07.2016 в 01:11